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4 years ago

I look back as I run, only to see my father's demons still chasing me. Thank Azar the streets are empty right now. 

"You cannot hide! Release our master!" they scream. 

"Go to hell!" I scream. Pun intended. 

"Release him!" they screech again. Suddenly, I slam into something. 

"Hey, kid," someone says, pushing me back gently. I look up to see a guy in a red and black mask. He tilts his head.

"Sorry," I murmur, moving to get past him. I already know he can't see the demons approaching us. 

"Those uglies bothering you? I can blow them up, if you want," he offers. 

"You can see them?" I ask.


"Then yes, please."  I nod quickly. They won't actually die, just respawn in hell.  He throws  something at then and it blows up. He throws three more at them and I wince at every explosion. When the dust clears, the demons are gone.

"Kid, you alright?"  the man asks me. I nod.

"Can you... can you tell me where I am?" I ask him. I hadn't thought of a location when I teleported out of Hell. Just earth. 

"That's a good question. I'm not exactly sure either.  I was on a job and then woke up here. You seem crazy and badass enough to stay with me. Whatcha say? You wanna stick together for the time being? I can keep killing those uglies, if you need me to," he offers.

"What do you want in return?" I ask, narrowing my eyes on the man with two swords and a bunch of grenades.

"Nothing," he shrugs. 

"I don't believe you," I state.

"Look, kid. Normally, sure, I'd be asking for a shit ton of money, but you're a kid, who's clearly in danger.  And if you happen to have some money or something, I wouldn't say no to it," he says, shrugging again. I close my eyes and focus on his aura. Strangely, I don't feel it. Well, I mean, I feel it, but I can't read it. His aura seems... otherworldly. Not 'alien' otherworldly, but different world otherworldly.

"Why do you feel like that?" I ask.

"That's what she said," he tells me in a joking voice.

"What? Yes, I did say that? Why are you stating the obvious?" I ask.

"You haven't heard that before? It's like, an adult joke?"

"Adult joke? I'm not an adult," I state.

"Oh, honey, that's so sad. I'm Deadpool. What's your name?"

"Raven," I answer. What kind of name is 'Deadpool'?

"Well, then, Raven. Let's go get some answers, shall we?" he asks. I nod.

"Just  don't call me kid."

Raven meets the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now