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The girls went to Faragonda's office.
"Headmistress Faragonda! We got the Dream Star!" they stormed in trough the door.
"Oh dear, I am really proud of you all!" Faragonda smiled.
"But what do we do with that?" Stella asked.
"I'm affraid I can't give you the answers that you are seeking, girl!" Faragonda shut down her eyes.
    "Why do everthing have to so complicated? First half of us had to die to get Enchantix, then we had to make earth people believe in us to get and strenghten our Believix, then for Sirenix we had to risk our powers and for Bloomix we had to jump!!" Stella had a breakdown.
    "Girls!" Daphne stormed into the office.
    "Daphne, what happened, what's wrong?" Bloom ran to her sister.
    "The Black Willow is dieing!" Daphne said.
    "What?!" Flora turned to her.
    "We must go right away, Flora please bring all your potions!" Daphne said.

The Winx and Daphne were at the Black Willow tree at Lymphea.
    "Do you see what's wrong with it?" Daphne asked Flora.
"No! But it's not natural, it's scared to tell me!" Flora said "I'm here to help you!" she smiled at the roots of the tree.
"Don't you guys find this a bit strange?" Aisha asked.
"These days everything is strange, Aisha!" Musa said.
"No, I mean that the tree goes crazy after we had found the Dream Star!" Aisha explained.
"Do you think it's a trap?" Bloom asked.
"Maybe a distraction!" Aisha answered.
"From what?" Stella asked.
"From making the Dream Star work!" Donovan appeared on the starry sky "Trix, go and get them!" he ordered the three witches.
"Donovan, what have you done to the tree?" Flora snapped at him.
"It has just catched the cold." Donovan smirked.
"But there is no...Icy!" Flora looked at the witch.
"Do you remember this place, fairy?" Icy mocked her. (this was the place where Flora had almost drowned and got her Enchantix).
"Give me the star or the tree will die and all the water source of Lymphea!" Donovan threatened the Fairy of Nature.
"I-" Flora got unsure in herself. If she gave him the Dream Star, they would never get Callie back from the Moon and Donovan would win. But if she didn't, all of Lyphea would suffer from lack of water.
Then Flora remembered. They had something that Icy really wanted.
"Icy, did you miss her?" Flora clicked her fingers and Sapphire appeared.
"Sapphire!" Icy gasped.
"Put her down or I'll!" she wanted to threaten Flora but for the first time...Icy was scared.
"Flora, what are you doing?" Bloom ran to her friend.
"Bloom, this is between me and her." Flora said angrily.
"Flora!" Aisha snapped at her.
"Icy, don't you dare to take her offer!" Donovan flew to Icy "Think about all the power and pleasure I can give to you." he smirked at her.
"Ew!" Stella mocked them.
"Icy! If you don't break your spell I will drown your sister in the water!" Flora threatened her.
"That's not like Flora!" Techna looked at Aisha.
"I know, she really cares about her. More likely because she's Helia's sister." Aisha said.
"You wouldn't do that!" Icy said worriedly.
"Wouldn't I?" Flora dropped the fox and before it fell in to the water she stopped.
"Okay I'll reverse it!" Icy cried.
"Icy!" Donovan took her by the neck as she had broken the curse.
"Let her go!" Flora blasted Donovan.
The little fox ran around then it drank from the water of the Black Willow. Sapphire sat down and she started glowing. Blue light was circling around her and she started floating. She was fully covered by the light and when she landed she was a sixteen years old beautiful young girl with blonde hair and crytsal blue eyes.
"Sapphire!" Icy teared up and ran to her little sister.
"Icy!" she hugged Icy.
"The tears of the Black Willow! Remember how we had freed Faragonda?" Bloom looked at Flora.
"Yes, of course!" Flora smiled.
"You wouldn't have drowned her, would you?" Aisha asked Flora "You were really scary.
"I just wanted to scare her." Flora giggled.
"Thank you, Winx! You made my dreams come true!" Icy smiled at them.
The Dream Star suddenly appeared and it started sparkling and glowing. The girls felt the positive energy surrounding them. It was the energy of the Dreamix Power.

"We look good as hell!" Stella cheered.
"We've earned Dreamix by making Icy's dream come true." Bloom said.
"Nice!" Musa looked all over herself.
"You stupid bitch!" Donovan blasted Icy but Darcy blocked his blast.
"Icy, now you don't need Donovan! Help us, please!" Bloom said.
Icy looked around. She stood up and took a deep breath.
"You're right Bloom! Freezing blast!" Icy attacked Donovan but he easily blocked her spells.
"You ungrateful little brat!" Donovan attacked Icy.
    "Dracy, Stormy! Fight with me!" Icy looked at the otger witches as Sapphire blocked out his spell.
    "No, Icy!" Stormy shook her head.
    "We want power!" Dracy said.
    "But sisters!" Icy shocked down.
    "As you have said, we are nost sisters!" Darcy said and blasted Icy. She fell so hard she lost her cunciousnes.
"Icy!" Sapphire cried and blasted the other two witches.
"Girls, let's put an end on them!" Bloom looked at the Winx.
"Dracy, Stormy! Make a convergence!" Donovan ordered them.
The two witches tried to make a convergence but without Icy they couldn't.
"It's not working!" Darcy cried.
"Winx, Dreamix Convergence!" Bloom shouted out loud the spell and a white fog appeared around them. It was so strong it threw Donovan and the witches back to their hideout.
"Icy!" Sapphire ran to her sister.
Icy didn't move or react to anything. Sapphire leaned her head on her chest and couldn't hear her heartbeat "Icy! Icy! Icy wake up! Icy please wake up!" she started shaking her body.
     "Sapphire, I'm so sorry!" Bloom sat down behind her to comfort her.
     "Get Donovan, get those witches, and put and end to heir story!" Sapphire said as she was crying.
    "What will you do?" Daphne asked Sapphire.
    "I'll go back to Dyamond, and take back what's mine." Sapphire said firecly.
    "Girls, now that we have Dreamix, can we go and get Callie?" Stella asked.
    "Yes, just go home first!" Aisha chuckled.

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