Oh god

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I bump into him once again he was waiting for me? Well fuck he pushes me away back into my room I sit on my bed crossed arms my dog woke up

"Lear how to not me a stalker?" I say finally

"Negative I have to" skull man says firmly

"Oh so we are being fancy huh?" I say jokingly

"Negative it's just the way I speak" he says firmly

"Fick dich, du dumme Hure, die verdammte Totenkopfmaske macht mir wahnsinnige Angst" I say firmly

"What??" Soap asked

"She said fuck you stupid whore fucking skull mask scares me dumbass" shirt mask dude says

"Well there you go" I say crossing my arms

He rolled his eyes then walks away shirt dude comes in and shuts the door he turns in the light

"So you know German? Wow" shirt man says

"And six more languages" I say holding up six fingers

He nods then walks away I did not know there was a light switch in here I lay back thinking again I got food water etc all the basic shit I brought a notebook to draw I draw anytime I get if I don't have anything to draw in or with I work out or when I get bored of drawing I work out so after a hour or so I started working out push-ups pull ups anything to pass time I don't like showing people that I can workout

I finished I walked around my room for dinner I asked if I could shower they let me I wanted books books was a great way to pass time for me I tried digging the hole but I could feel someone outside of my door so I couldn't dig to escape


Obviously they ignore me I couldn't help but want to go back home even though I was abused and cut all of the time I wanted to leave go home screaming was useless trying to escape was useless unless I could dig my hole but someone outside my door prevented that

Eventually they dragged me to a living room area they sat me down and they started playing Mario cart I just watched they tried including me but I ignored them

"Eye quit being a loser and join in" soap says

"Yeah it'll be fun kid" price says

"Yeah come in YN" shirt man says

"Nah but what is your name I didn't get your name what is it?" I say pointing to shirt man

"König" he mumbles

I did a thumbs up and nodded i then continued to watch them play Mario cart wasn't fun but eventually I joined in I played for two hours or more I played with soap,price,and könig I met a guy named gaz he is nice I suppose after laying for hours straight I passed out on the couch

I think I got carried by someone it felt like ghost but it also felt like könig I got thrown on my bed so definitely ghost

Ghost x reader Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora