I dont onow come up with a title

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As we finished up we herd everyone walking to the living room we quickly got dress me still being drunk asf I couldn't really dress properly so ghost had to help me

"Okay okay let's go" he says

"Hehe shhhhh" I say putting my finger on his mask

"Mmhhh" he says as we walk out

"Nice tits" I laugh

"There not- whatever" he sighs

As we walk into the living room he sits me down they where the laying Mario cart again laughing loud and playing music I joined two or 47 rounds after awhile we all pass out in the living room when I woke up I looked around

"Ughhh" I say holding my head

I look around then I get up I walk I've to get a glass of water after I drink it I go to my room I get changed then I go to th training room I train for a bit then I remember my dad I get angry then I punch the punching bag nonstop my hands wher bleeding like crazy by the time I felt slight pain

"God fucking damn it" I mumble a I wrap my hands with bandaids I go back to my room I pull out my phone


Unknown number saying "hey you might not know me but no need to meet me at [park adress]" I roll my eyes stupidly I go where the 141 where was it was quite far I was used to walking mile but this was far I turned my location off so that anyone from the 141 couldn't find me I arrive at the park and I sa him

"What do you want??" I ask in a shaky voice

"Awe hellish dear daughter!" my dad says giving me a big hug "now this is my dea old friend fuck up ANYTHING I will kill you" he whisper in my ear

"Mhh!" I mumble a he let's me go

"Aye kid nice to meet you" the stranger says putting his hand out

"Hello" I say as nice as possible shaking his hand

"You know I hate to see you unconscious but a deal is a deal" my dad says

Next thing I know I'm in a room tied to a chair "wh... Where am I?!" I say looking around frantically

"Awe she's awake hope she had fun" the man says leaning on a wall

"Good" my dad says I can't even call him dad anymore

"What did you do?!?!" I yell trying to escape

"Just a little raping" the man says getting off of the wall

I fucked up why did I come to the address?!?!

I fucke up I need help

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