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20 years ago, when King Adam and Queen Belle made the Isle of the Lost, Lock, Shock, and Barrel almost went to the Isle, and if it hadn't been for Jack Skellington and his wife, Sally, they would have. But Jack and Sally both vouched for the three of them and said that they had helped save Santa Clause in the end, even if they had kidnapped him in the first place. They told the king and queen that they were just misguided children at the time and that the only thing they did now, as young adults, was play pranks on the people of Halloween Town because they loved a good practical joke. So, they all agreed.

Halloween Town and the other holiday towns would remain their own lands, a different dimension if you will.

Halloween Town is the only town with a door to both the Isle and Auradon. Because Halloween is a time for children to dress up and have fun trick or treating, while most teens go around scaring people, it is both good and bad. The other holiday towns, Christmas Town, Valentine's Village, etc etc, only have doors to Auradon as they are only good and happy holidays. In return, Adam and Belle agreed that the children of Halloween Town, being the only town with doors to both places, would be allowed to attend school on either side of the barrier. And they placed a spell on the doors to the Isle and Auradon. No one from Auradon could go through the door to the Isle and no one from the Isle could go through the door to Auradon. But people from Halloween town could go through either door. And everyone was happy with that.

5 years later, Lock, Shock, and Barrel, now all married to each other, bore a child. Tamara Terror. She was the perfect balance of the three of them. Bright red hair, eerie yellow eyes, and pale skin. As she got older, the throuple discovered that, of her own free will, she could sprout devil horns and a tail and willingly dislocate her joints and not feel a thing. She also had an affinity for magic, courtesy of her mother, of course. She was the perfect child for them. She was an odd thing, loved pranking people, and helped her mother with house chores while her father and other parental figure went out and made money to buy things.

When she had reached age 5, they had to send her to school. So they talked and decided to send her to Auradon for her first 6 years of school. After that, it switched. 6th grade, Tamara, 11 at the time, went to the Isle for school for witches to learn magic, even if they couldn't use it on the Isle itself. Shock wanted her to know how to use her magic but they didn't have a magic school in Auradon that she knew of. When Tamara turned 14, the trio decided to send her to Serpent Prep for her first year of high school. In her second year, however, she went to Auradon Prep. A lot happened and then Tamara's friends showed up toward the end of the school year.

That's where everything went wrong...


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