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"I thought sirens where a myth" Gale said, you had just told everyone about who you truly where just in case anything unexpected happens tonight, you wanted them to be aware.

"I'm sorry, I thought you would leave me that night if I told you"

"Y/N, we all have secrets we're afraid to share, you're safe with us, I swear to you" shadowheart interrupts, placing a warm hand on your shoulder which you go to place your own over with a relieved smile.

Everyone sits next to the fire, and you in front. Your breathe shook as you slowly lowered yourself onto the sandy ground. You weren't used to singing for an audience deliberately.

You give yourself a self assuring nod and take a deep breathe in, praying you won't accidentally lead the men in the party to their deaths.

{ A/N ~ when I was writing this I was listening to Ascension by Sarah kinsley, I've attached it at the top and I just absolutely love this song and can picture a siren singing this, I'd suggest listening to it right now and come back to read the rest ;)}

As you sang, the swirls that travelled around your skin began to glow with yellow, the swirls growing brighter as they lit up your cheeks and down to the rest of your body. You could feel your skin tingle pleasantly and smiled through your melody.

You flutter your eyes open as you lost yourself in your own voice. You look down on yourself to see the bright glow linger for a few seconds more before dying down gently turning back into just silver glistens.

Everyone just stared in awe and with heavy jaws.

"YOU GLOW TOO HOLY SHITT" Karlach screamed, she was way too happy and ran over to you, taking your arm and scanning it.

"Astarion, I haven't seen you so quiet and calm before" shadowheart turns to him as he sat on the floor with his hands holding him up.

"He did say he could use a lullaby" you giggle under your breathe.

Astarion had a faint glint in his eyes as he just stared at you, he looked down and smiled at the ground before slowly getting up.

"I knew you're voice would be enchanting, but I never thought I could ever feel so at peace with the help of a sirens melody" his voice was soft and his words left his lips delicately.

"I'm glad you liked it," you feel your face growing warm and a faint blush appears over your cheeks, nothing extremely noticeable.

"Yes, and I knew those markings on your skin had a bigger purpose. It was all so...captivating and so, beautiful"

Your cheeks glowed even redder and quite visible, no has ever actually commented on your singing, they would just die before they got the chance.

"I can sing to you whenever you wish, Astarion"

Astarions smile turns into a slight smirk.

"I'd like that very much my dear"

You wish each other goodnight as Astarion would rather sleep under his tent tonight.

You back over to Gale and Wyll, they reacted to the song differently. They where dazed and almost out like a light.

"You know Y/N, this forever burning heat inside of me has never felt so cool in my entire life" Karlach chimed, she was extra giddy and looked as if she was not ready to rest at all right now.

"Thank you, Karlach, don't keep yourself up for long!" You acknowledged.

You walk over to your own tent, laying on the ground as you watched the sky twist and turn, the occasional shooting star flying past, before dozing off as the cold breeze caressed your skin.


528 words

Hope you liked this chapter!
Ive realised I've only been uploading once a week which I hate myself for and I'm so incredibly sorry, I hope to go back to uploading every other day!
And it's also my birthday today so I thought this would be a nice treat for you guys and myself <3

Hope you liked this chapter!Ive realised I've only been uploading once a week which I hate myself for and I'm so incredibly sorry, I hope to go back to uploading every other day!And it's also my birthday today so I thought this would be a nice tre...

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𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒕 // Astarion x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now