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Richmond, cali

"Hi, welcome in to the library" Layla said to the guy she seen coming in everyday ever since she helped him find a book.

He was quiet, dark skin with a tear drop tattoo under his left  eye. One tattoo on his neck , that was a lion and his hands were covered fully.

He never showed much skin. Barely even showed his face until that day, she helped him, he took off his hoodie to smile at her.

His teeth was nicely done or he was one of god favorites.

He smelt clean and his throw on clothes was always chill but nice.

He was very mysterious. This was a small town and everyone knew everyone but no one knew him.

Usually when people move to a small town they are trying escape something or someone.

She shrugged her shoulders not wanting to put more thought in the male as he disappeared into the book shelves.


"Lay turn that up for me" Ms. Davis said as the news played once again saying how another person went missing walking home.

Layla sighed as she felt like everyone around her age range was the ones being taken.

"I hope whoever doing this , riots in hell. This town use to be so peaceful." Ms. Davis shook her head walking away leaving Layla to keep organizing the books.

It was pouring down heavy and the library was now empty. Even the town was too. Due to it being curfew until they found the kidnapper.

The mystery guy still sat at the table so invested in his book, that Layla forgot he was even there.

"Hey, we close in thirty minutes" Layla said to him as he quickly glanced at her before nodding his head.

She continued to organize and listening to music. Just excited she would be getting off soon and going home to her warm cozy bed.

After she finished everything she quickly glanced at the spot to see if he was there and he wasn't making her scrunch her face up because the book was gone too and she didn't check him out.

"Oh well, it won't come out my check" she thought to herself , going behind the desk to sign out.

She love her library job because she love reading and it wasn't a hard job at all. All she had to do was sit down and enjoy silence. Who didn't love that ?

"Ms. Davis come on women  so we can leave " Layla told Ms.Davis who was putting on her coat so slow.

She rolled her eyes seeing the lady go in her purse for what look like a peppermint before finally decide to walk to the front with her.

Layla stood by the door as Ms.Davis locked up the library but the smell of weed got in her nose. But it didn't smell like cheap weed, it wasn't stank but it was loud but she could bare with the smell.

She usually can't.

When she looked back she seen a black Tesla with the driver side window down and she could see that's where the smell was coming from, making her hmm before walking off with Ms.Davis.

"Do you need a ride Layla ?" Ms.Davis asked but she didn't want to hold her up in the rain trying to get her home. She know older people really can't see that well when it's pouring down.

"No thank you , I 'm going to call a Uber" Layla said with a smile before pulling out her phone to call her Uber. She didn't feel scared even though it was a kidnapper on the loose because it was a on duty police officer sitting right at the top of the parking lot.

When she seen that the app was looking for a driver she huff, feeling the breeze hit her face as she put on her hoodie.

"I can't wait to eat" she mumbled as  the app finally told her she had a driver arriving shortly.

The driver in the telsa finally got out to go to his trunk and that's when she seen him.  He didn't look up as he walked but she could see some of her dreads hanging in his face.

"You must be returning the book?" She chuckled making him turn his head and look at her.

"No" he said dryly but it wasn't  rude, more so like he wasn't a talker.

"Hmm" he said digging in his pocket giving her a hundred dollar bill.

"I don't need this , it's not my book"
She tried giving it back to him but he shook his head no.

"Then throw it on the ground to make someone who need it day" she she shook her head no before laughing.

Feeling her phone vibrate that the driver was two minutes away.

"Well thank you and nice talking to you" he didn't turn his head to look at her or even acknowledge her as he was doing whatever in his duffel bag.

She didn't care either when she seen her Uber pulling in to the parking lot. As she walked away he grabbed her arm in a gently way.

"You welcome" he said with a smile but it wasn't a genuine one , it look like something he do when he forcing himself to be nice.


"Breaking news, seem to be another twenty one year old has gone missing. Please contact the number down below if you have seen or heard from this person" sin turnt off the tv as he looked over at the younger girl who looked out of it.

"Why you had to touch me ?" He asked the girl who stared at him confused.

She just didn't respond. Scared her would hit her again, feeling like she almost out of oxygen.

"Why you just ain't-" he shook his head pulling at his hair. So many different voices. One was good, one was evil and one was normal. Struggling with multiple personalities in one body.

The evil one developing from trauma as a kid from the lack of love from his mother and the abuse she put him through with woman touching him.

He kidnapped girls who look exactly like the woman who touched him.  Sometimes evil him will kill them , normal him let them go after a sex session if they were fine enough and good him provide them with money.

He wasn't idiot he went for the poor girls that America could care less about missing.

"You only one who gets me" he said staring at the picture of Layla on the wall before lifting his mask up shooting the girl in the head, walking away.

Yay or nah? LMAOOOO

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