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Richmond, cali

"What book are you reading ?" Sin heard Layla say as he quickly snatched it off the table into his lap.

"She can't know, not yet" he heard sa'ior say to him.

"She won't you idiot" Casper deep voice also came through his head saying. Sin was too tired of fighting with his body asking casper to take control and which he gladly did.

"Damn cuh, why you so nosey ?" He responded back to her.

shocking her from the deep raspy voice he clearly grew over night. He sounded like a whole different person which was weird to her but she also like the voice of change.

"What happened to your voice did it change overnight ?" Lay asked as she walked around the table to sit across from him with her book.

Her whole piercing and tattoo session he let her ramble on about anything. He found out she love roses, she like puppies, she don't really have a favorite food because she a picky eater but she love the foods that she love.

She wasn't a tv person but she could watch cartoons all day. She didn't cry a lot but when she finally have a meltdown it takes hours for her to stop.

And his favorite part was she moved to the small town for school but it didn't work out. Her family was well off and wealthy but they told her she couldn't come back home without a career or a degree but they still pay her condo rent.

So pretty but never tell strangers your business when it's a kidnapper on the loose. He thought to himself as he thought about yesterday.

If you asked her what she know about him she could only say "well he do tattoos and his name is Brandon" but the thing was , his name isn't Brandon and he doesn't do tattoos he just own the shop.

He cleared his throat before responding to her question " nah, I just smoke weed too much so it be switching up" there he go lying right through his perfect teeth.

Layla stared in his eyes not seeing the ones she seen yesterday. She started to feel like his was a immortal person. He was never the same even when he came into the library.

"What you reading since you all up in a Nigga business?" Casper stood up walking to sit close to her. He was such a lady pleaser.

You are probably wondering who is who. Sin is one person with multiple personalities. He named them just so he feel less confused as a person. He struggled with Dissociative identity disorder ever since his mother ruined him.

The meaning of Dissociative identity disorder was previously referred to as multiple personality disorder. Symptoms of dissociative identity disorder (criteria for diagnosis) include: The existence of two or more distinct identities (or "personality states").

"Well I'm reading the many lives, many masters" Layla responded smelling his scent that she found herself liking alot. You could tell he paid a lot to smell good.

"What's its about ?" Sin asked as he looked around the library before taking off his hoodie. He didn't understand why sin hid their face.

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