Chapter 15

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"Little Blue!"

I hurried to the door before Starlight woke up the entire hallway. She always thought she was discreet. She wasn't. Not with her incessant knocking and her loud whispers.

I knocked on the door in our familiar pattern, and she replied with the same. She slipped inside as soon as I eased the door open.

Her black rimmed green eyes were wild with panic. My heart dropped. Glancing at Mark, who was snoring softly on his mattress, I whispered, "what's wrong?"

"Listen, new guests are coming in tomorrow," she said, casting Mark a pitying look. "I overheard Logan and Luke talking, apparently one of the new clients requested young boys. Logan was talking about how it was time they initiated your brother."

"No, they can't. I thought they no longer offer children for clients," I said, my wide eyes fastening on my brother's small form.

Starlight tugged up the low-cut neckline of her dress. "They stopped having women give birth here after what happened the last time. But you know they make their own rules. Your brother is the youngest Dispensable here."

"He's not a Dispensable!" I hissed.

Starlight raised her hands. "You're preaching to the choir here."

"Sorry," I rubbed my forehead. "I had a deal with Logan in case something like this happens."

"I know," she said, biting her lip. "Look, I have a customer right now. I just wanted to warn you before they come for him. I'm really sorry. You know I love your brother."

"I know." I sighed, forcing the panic out. "I know, Starlight. Thank you, I owe you one. Do you know where Logan is?"

"He was in the kitchen with Luke, just now. That's where I overheard them. They were drinking, so they're probably still there"

"Okay," I nodded, wiping my clammy hands on my pants.

"What are you going to do?" Starlight asked.

"What I have to."

She gave an understanding smile. "Sorry Little Blue."

I shrugged. "It's nothing new."

"I know, but I also know how Logan can be sometimes. Sick bastard," she grumbled.

I gulped, rubbing at my arm. The faint scars Logan had left me with last time still itched.

Starlight left to attend to her client. I left a note for Mark on the stack of books that served as a bedside table between our mattresses.

Locking the door, I steeled myself and strode down the dimly lit hallway. The stench of Alcohol, drugs and sex was a familiar, ugly companion. The living quarters of the Dispensables were all chipped paint, squeaky floorboards and flickering lights. Clients weren't served here, but there were some Dispensables who liked having their own fun, thus the awful smell.

The common living room held only a couple of clients this early in the night. It was usually full with degenerates who eschewed privacy and loved watching or being watched. I ignored the black couches and the tables full of alcohol, the two clients who were busy with their Dispensables, and headed straight to the kitchen, avoiding eye-contact.

Beer bottles littered the sprawling island, and two men sat nearby at a small stained table, nursing their own drinks. Logan and Luke were laughing about something. Logan's hazy eyes snapped up to me, and a slow grin stretched across his face. I wanted to slap it right off.

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