Chapter 17

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Nathaniel's birthday was two days away.

He hadn't told me. I found out through Claire, who mentioned it in passing the night before when we had coffee together at her place.

It had been almost a week since the news of Granger dropping out of the mayor race. His scandals were the talk of the country, which meant I had to bear seeing his ugly mug everywhere I turned.

The fact that Nathaniel had everything to do with it still boggled me. Maybe it was the sign that I needed to make my decision. Telling Nathaniel the full truth. Maybe he really would be able to help. Maybe he was powerful enough to do so.

Those thoughts kept me awake at night. But I was still hesitating.

I was changing my clothes in the locker room of the café, a frown etched on my face. What in the world should I get Nathaniel for his birthday? I shrugged on my coat and huffed.

"What are you thinking about?" Molly asked, leaning against the locker next to mine. I studied her for a moment, she might have an idea.

"My friend's birthday is a couple of days away and I don't know what to get him."

Her eyes lit up with mischief. "Him, huh?"

I rolled my eyes, closing my locker. "Yes. Him. Now, do you have any idea?"

She bit her bottom lip. "Hmm. I guess it depends. Do you know if he needs something? Or if he wanted something and hasn't had the chance to get it yet?"

I frowned. "He has everything," I grumbled.

"Those are the worst people to shop for," she said. "But, in that case I think a meaningful gift is better than an expensive one."

"Meaningful..." I sighed. "Can't you just give me a list of possible things I could get him."

Molly laughed, opening her locker and sticking her head inside. Her voice came out muffled. "It's not meaningful if I give you the idea."

Right. I left the café and went shopping in a nearby mall. I had one hour before I had to pick up Mark from school. I made the round of the shopping center twice. Nothing caught my eyes. By the end of the hour, I was desperate. What do you give a man who has it all?

I abandoned the search and worked my way out of the mall to pick up Mark. I would have to come back tomorrow. Or maybe I could find some ideas on the internet.

On my way out, I walked by a store that sold fabric, sewing and embroidery tools and material. The colorful display through the shop window made a smile appear on my face. I used to mend our dresses back in the House, add embellishment and embroidery for the girls who wanted them. It was one of the few tasks I'd enjoyed back then.

I was almost at the doors when an idea struck. It doesn't have to be expensive. Hmm.

I retracted my steps to the shop and began my quest. It would be a small gift, but the idea felt right.

I picked up Mark. He kept glancing at the shopping bag all the way to the apartment. His curiosity lasted until we were in the elevator. "What's in the bag?"

I smiled. "A gift for Nathaniel, his birthday is in two days. But don't tell him, it's a surprise."

"Okay," he mumbled.

Once we were home, I tucked the bag in a corner of my closet. Humming under my breath, I rolled up my sleeves and started on dinner. Mark was already sitting at the dining table, his homework spread in front of him.

I had left some steak to thaw before leaving for work. So I prepared a special marinade that Claire had taught me, tossed the steak in it, and let it sit. I'd cook it once Nathaniel got home. A warm meal is always better.

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