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"How about a cup of warm milk and honey and then bed?" Nora proposed, kneeling in front of Daniel to help him remove his musketeer boots. They were soaked through, and the boy's feet were freezing. "Maybe a hot shower, too?" she added, looking up at Martin as she straightened up, passing him the boots for inspection.

"Nora's right. Let me help you get washed while she prepares your milk. Come on," Martin told him, and after he removed his own coat and shoes, he dragged the tired boy towards his room.

He paused slightly before they vanished from her sight, leaving her alone in the kitchen, and their eyes met across the vast room. The multitude of emotions whirling in his green irises took Nora's breath away. Something changed between them tonight; it felt like they both closed doors on their pasts and took a great step forward, together, the first step of a long journey.

She shook her head to make herself focus on the task at hand and set to making the drink for Daniel, and a pot of tea for herself and Martin, as if this was something she had always done for them, as if they hadn't stormed into her life less than a month ago.

Omnia Cum Tempore, all things happened when they were meant to happen, some fast and others slowly, she reminded herself when Martin's arm slid around her waist from behind while she stirred honey through the warm milk, even as Daniel, dressed in pyjamas, slipped into a chair at the dining table.

And as Nora could see his eyes, so similar to his father's, observing them intently, she turned towards Martin and kissed him, as much for the boy's benefit as her own. She wished she could just kiss him forever...

But she had Daniel to think about first. "Let me serve your drinks, brave musketeers," she said as she pulled away from Martin.

He smiled at her and sat next to Daniel as she gathered the three cups on a small tray and carried it towards them.

They sipped their drinks in silence, and Nora was pleased to see a yet new facet of Martin's personality, that of a very understanding father. He could have told Daniel off for hiding in the stables tonight, turning this perfectly serene moment into an important and unpleasant lecture... But he knew as well as Nora that there was no point in that. Daniel got as frightened as them tonight; it will take him a while to gather enough courage to venture outside at night and cause mischief if he'll ever feel entitled to do so again. However, he might not, after tonight, have a good reason to...

Nora lay her hand on the table, and Martin instantly closed his hand around hers, the small gesture making Daniel's milk-moustached lips quiver with a contented smile.

"Will you be here when I wake up, Nora?" he asked, surprising her into silence.

Martin pressed her fingers tighter in his hand, and meeting his eyes, she understood that she was free to decide. He wouldn't force her into this, not even for Daniel's sake.

"I will," she said at last, hoping that her voice didn't shake.

"Good night, Nora," Daniel said, obviously happy with her reply. He hopped to her side and bestowed a kiss on her cheek, then turned to his father and kissed him too.

Then he ran across the room, laughing out as Martin called after him, "Brush your teeth and wash that milk moustache off your lips. It makes you look like Porthos, Monsieur D'Artagnan."

"So... you were Athos and Eric Aramis?" Nora asked, giggling, as she gathered their empty cups and carried them towards the sink.

She watched him observing her, still sitting on the chair, as she walked back to him, not quite sure what would follow now, what was she supposed to do, but absolutely certain that she couldn't keep her distance from him.

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