Chapter 2

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The city buzzed around Freen and Becky, but their world had suddenly become smaller, focusing solely on the connection they had made in that cozy coffee shop. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring them together, and neither of them was willing to question it.

Days turned into weeks, and the initial spark between Freen and Becky had grown into a steady flame. They found themselves stealing moments together whenever they could – be it over cups of coffee, leisurely walks in the park, or cozy movie nights at Becky's apartment. Each moment spent together deepened their connection.

Yet, despite the undeniable chemistry, doubts gnawed at Freen's mind. She had always been a dreamer, and now, she was dreaming of Becky. But with dreams came uncertainty, and she wasn't sure if Becky saw her the same way she saw her.

One sunny afternoon, Freen met up with her best friend, Nam, at their favorite neighborhood spot—a park filled with vibrant flowers and the soothing sounds of nature. Nam was a spirited and insightful friend, always quick to decipher Freen's thoughts, even when she tried to keep them hidden.

As they settled on a park bench, Freen couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh, gazing at the bustling cityscape before them. Nam, perceptive as ever, turned to her and raised an eyebrow. "What's been bothering you lately, buddy?"

Freen hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to open up about his newfound feelings for Becky. She finally decided to confide in her friend. "Nam, you remember that coffee shop I told you about, right? The one where I met Becky?"

Nam grinned knowingly. "Oh, Becky, huh? She's the one who's been occupying your thoughts lately?"

Freen nodded her expression a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "Yeah, she's amazing, Nam. I can't stop thinking about her. We've been spending time together, and it feels like there's something special between us. But... I'm not sure if she feels the same way."

Nam leaned back, studying Freen's face intently. "Freen, you've always been a bit of an overthinker. Sometimes, you just have to trust your instincts and take a leap of faith. If you feel a connection with her, chances are she feels it too."

Freen rubbed his temples, the weight of his thoughts lifting slightly. "You think so?"

Nam chuckled. "Of course! And let's not forget the most important rule of dating: honesty. You've got to talk to her, buddy. Tell her how you feel, and see where it leads."

Freen nodded, grateful for Nam's advice. "You're right, Nam. I should talk to her. Maybe I've been too cautious about this whole thing."

Nam patted Freen on the back. "That's the spirit! Remember, I've got your back, and I'm here to listen to all your relationship woes."

With newfound determination, Freen left the park that day with a sense of purpose.  She was ready to lay her feelings on the line and find out if the connection he felt with Becky was real. As he made his way back to the bustling city, she couldn't help but smile, knowing that Nam's insight had given him the confidence he needed to close the gap between his heart and Becky's.

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