Part 15

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The announcement of Freen and Becky's engagement sent ripples of joy throughout their circle of friends and family. The news was met with excitement, well-wishes, and offers of help with wedding planning. Amidst the buzz of wedding preparations, Freen and Becky knew that their love was embarking on a new journey—a journey that would lead them to the altar and beyond.

The couple decided to host a small engagement party at Becky's apartment to celebrate with their closest friends. The living room was decorated with twinkling lights and photographs that chronicled their love story from the moment they met. It was an intimate gathering, filled with laughter, toasts, and heartfelt speeches.

Nam, Freen's best friend, raised his glass high. "To Freen and Becky, may your love continue to grow and flourish with each passing day. We couldn't be happier for you."

The room erupted in cheers as everyone clinked their glasses together. Freen and Becky felt the warmth and love of their friends surrounding them, and their hearts swelled with gratitude.

As the evening continued, Yuki, Becky's best friend, couldn't contain her excitement. "Have you two thought about where you want to have your wedding?"

Freen and Becky exchanged a knowing glance. "Actually," Becky began with a smile, "we've been thinking about it a lot."

Freen nodded. "We want our wedding to be a reflection of our love story, the city that brought us together, and the people who mean the most to us."

Their friends leaned in, eager to hear more.

Becky continued, her eyes sparkling. "We've decided to have our wedding right here in Gapville, the city that holds a special place in our hearts. We want it to be a celebration of love, friendship, and the beauty of our journey together."

Their friends erupted in applause and cheers, thrilled by the couple's decision. Gapville had been the backdrop of Freen and Becky's love story from the beginning, and it was only fitting that it would be the setting for their wedding.

With the engagement party in full swing, Freen and Becky took a moment to step onto the balcony, where they could see the city lights shimmering in the distance. Freen wrapped his arms around Becky, and they gazed out at the city they loved.

Becky leaned into Freen's embrace. "I can't believe how far we've come, Freen. From that chance encounter at Gapville Park to this moment, planning our wedding."

Freen pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "It's been an incredible journey, and it's only the beginning. I can't wait to marry you, Becky."

Becky smiled, her eyes filled with love. "And I can't wait to become your wife, Freen."

Their love story had taken them on a remarkable journey, one filled with moments of laughter, adventure, and heartfelt confessions. With the city of Gapville as their witness and their friends by their side, Freen and Becky were ready to embark on the most beautiful chapter of their love story—the journey to forever.

As they rejoined their friends inside the apartment, the music began to play, and the night continued with dancing and celebration. In the midst of the joyful chaos, Freen and Becky's hearts were filled with the promise of love, a love that would carry them through the journey of a lifetime.

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