chapter nine: not well

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After that fun day with Quinn, I had to plunker down and study a little more for Bio-CHEM. It was a pretty hard class and I knew I couldn't slack off.

On the other side of my mind was the conversation I had with him earlier.

Rachael had been possessive of her phone. Possibly cheating?

If she was, I'd feel awful for him. He's such a good guy. I may or may not be jealous or her.

I'll be there for him if he figures anything g out.

I slouch my head over my desk. God how I hated studying.

I continue to write notes until my hands can't take it anymore.

I heard a knock on my door as soon as I dropped my mechanical pencil.

I get up and slowly walk over to the door and look through the small peephole.

It was Kayde, looking like he was homeless.

I open the door.

"Hey Kayde, what's up?"

He groans and just walks into the dorm and flops on my bed.

"I feel like dogshit.." he says with a groggy voice.

"I can tell... have you gone to the walk in clinic near us??" I ask him trying to understand what he feels like.

" No, but I can barely eat anything without puking it all out." He says with his face in my pillow.

"Well I guess you can sleep here for now. I dint want to catch anything because I have a BioChem test coming up." I make room in the doorway so he can come in.

He doesn't even say anything before he flops on my bed and passes out.

"Did you tell the coaches that you aren't well?" I ask him. No response. He's knocked out.

Gen 🤪
Idk if he's told you but Kayde is sick as hell in my dorm right now. Just wanted to let you know .

Quinn 🏒
Oh shit no he didn't, I guess he will be gone for a few days. Thanks Gen.

Gen 🤪
no problem, just knew he was too dumb to actually tell you lol

Quinn 🏒
wait he's with you? Hopefully you don't catch anything😭 if you do you are never allowed in my car again.

Gen 🤪
I'll just go in it anyway, there's no way you can or will stop me. 😘😘

If there is anything you need from him let me know because I think I'll be taking care of him for now


Alright thanks Gen


2 days later

I've been sleeping on the floor of Eva and I's room for two days straight. Kayde is feeling a lot better today so he's going to go out for a practice to see how he feels.

I went with him to the arena so I could get out of my room.

I brought one of my books to keep me company throughout the boring practice.

Heartstrings on the Blue Line - Quinn HughesWhere stories live. Discover now