chapter fifteen: attached

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"𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝕚𝕥 𝕤𝕖𝕖𝕞𝕤 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕀'𝕞 𝕚𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕨𝕒𝕪.."

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I lay in my empty bed at night wondering where I went wrong. I know what I did to Rachael to deserve her being so bitchy.

She hadn't been sleeping in our bed in a few days.  I always ask her where she was going to go but like always she had her excuses. I'm sick of her shit. I just feel like we have a rope that is tied to us that's keeping us together. I just feel like I would be an emotional wreck. I know I have people to talk to. I have my teammates and most of all i have Gen.

Well... had Gen. I thought to myself.

If I did break up with her, I'd feel free of her mental torture. Here's the thing; I don't know for sure if she's actually cheating. I want to follow her but if she saw me, god knows what she would do. She would turn into a fucking psycho.

I try my best to not overthink. I turn my head and see if I had any notifications on my phone.

0 new notifications.

Jesus, it was after three though. I need to get some sleep. I can't keep spiralling.

Just as I was about to put my phone down, I feel a vibration and quickly bring it up to my face hoping it was Rachael saying that she was coming home.

Gen 🤪 is typing...

Holy shit.. she's typing. Is she apologizing? I mean it was me that freaked out on her so I should be the one to actually say sorry...

I keep my phone unlocked for a good two minutes and her notification doesn't show up again.

It makes my stomach drop when she doesn't text me. I don't  know why I feel so strong about her.. why I'm like attached mentally.

ashamed, I put my phone facedown back on my nightstand and drift off to sleep.


I almost texted Quinn last night.. I was typing and everything but decided not to send it. I felt like I was still hurt from him lashing out at me.

I just want us to go back to normal..

I miss talking to him and going on our mini trips. I am just stubborn as hell and won't text him first.

I'm clueless to how I wrapped my mind around it and made my hands type that out. Normally I'm a pussy and wouldn't do anything like that.


I make some toast for myself in the morning. I have a physio appointment that I am going to. The lady I'm seeing is going to tell me when I can go back to practices for the Canucks.

Man I miss my teammates. I text them and keep up to date on how they are going, and I watch their games.

I have just been busy as hell from the UBC team so I haven't had any time to go out to bars and clubs with them as often as I did.

Heartstrings on the Blue Line - Quinn HughesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon