Chapter two

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I couldn't fall asleep. Cause I knew if I went to sleep, I would have those nightmares. So, staying up was my best option. I blink a few times staring at the ceiling. I look out my window. It was still dark. I wonder if maybe I can go on another 'Dark Phoenix terrorizes the town again.' Well, I mean law enforcement and the heroes are badly hurt. I mean I know I like a challenge, but I want to see the fear in their eyes as well...

Well, Before I knew it my body worked on its own. And now I am in my Dark Phoenix outfit. The outfit was like a short black dress with straps. I wore a black Phoenix mask. And I wore boots. And my bandages on my arms. I winked at myself in the mirror. I got that self confidence.

As I leaped out of my apartment window. I hit the ground and stood back up. Dusting my hands off. I began walking around looking around for any type of fear I conflict. I looked and saw a store. I walked up to it and opened the door. The person at the cashier was about to say hello. But he stopped when he saw me. The look of fear entered him. He put his hands in the air. I walked up to him. I smiled wildly. "W-what do y-you want! I-I can give you any- money you want!" he shouted. 

I then walked away and went to the drink area. I grabbed a monster and went to the store's doors. I left and the cashier looked relieved and confused. When I was looking back. I looked in front of me and of course. Angel was there. "Well, hello, Dark Phoenix," he said with venom in his voice. I smirked and said "Oh hello" I was only happy to see him because I wanted to beat his ass. 

He was in a fighting position. While I just stood there. I knew all of his moves. He never has ever done anything different. Quite strange if you ask me. I opened my monster and sipped it. Angel stared at me trying to figure out what I was doing. "You know the new villains beat your hero asses today," I say. He seemed angered by the words I said. "You guys didn't even stand a chance. Really sad to be honest I had high hopes for you heroes" I say with a sarcastic tone at the end. 

I seemed to only be making him angry. I mean it was pretty easy to make this guy mad. When something doesn't go his way he gets mad. He charged at me like a bull. I dodged and moved out of the way. "Fight me you coward," he says. "Why waste my energy on something I can easily beat" I say. 

He went back to his fighting stance. "Who even are you?" he said. I raise my eyebrow. "Why would I tell you?" I say with a mocking tone. He then tried to hit me. Which I easily hit him in the jaw. Knocking him to the ground I put my foot on his neck. He seemed terrified. "What's wrong angel?" I say with a mocking tone. "Angel, haven't you learned yet? You can't beat me get it through your head before you get killed." I say with venom in my voice. I take my foot off his neck and kick him in the face, knocking him out. I snicker and look back up and see the cashier eating popcorn watching this.

When he saw that I noticed. He stopped eating his popcorn. "Boo," I say, and he flinched and hid. I laughed and grabbed my monster that was on the ground. I began walking again. I walk into an alleyway. I go to the ladder and climb it going to the top of the building. I walk over to the ledge of the building. I sat down and looked down. I then looked up at the stars.

I then heard a commotion at the bottom. I looked down. It was one of the new villains. the one with brown hair and glasses. I watched him for a little trying to figure him out. "You know staring at people is quite creepy." I heard someone say, my head snapped to who it was. And it was the other new villain. The one with a beanie and wings. "You know creeping up on people is creepy as well," I say with a mocking tone. He snickered and said, "What's your name mamacita." I eyed him and said, "Why would I tell you that?" "Why not?" he said. I stood up and stared at him. "I am Dark Phoenix, You?" I say he smirks and says, "Why would I tell you that." He said I squinted my eyes at him.

"I told you, my name." He smirks and says, "Well I never said I tell you, my name." He says with the mocking tone I used. I roll my eyes and say, "Alright I will give you a name how about, how about dickhead?" He chuckles and says, "My names Quackity." I nod and he then looks at his watch and says, "Well I have to go I will see you later mamacita." He started walking away. "I hope never," I say and begin to leave. I heard him chuckle. I climb down the ladder and onto the floor. I then make my way back to my apartment.

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