Chapter fourteen

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It had been an hour since my new learning of my twin brother. I right now am in the casino drinking. I know... I don't even think I can even taste the strongness of the alcohol anymore.

I right now is figuring out if I should go back to that house... If that whole thing was a dream? I haven't seen that house in decades. It was run down back when I was a kid and probably still is run down.

I sigh and take a sip of my drink. I had no idea where Wilbur and Quackity were, but I was hearing screaming. Wilbur and Quackity... Now when I get to think of it... Why did I need to get away from them?

I lay back into my comfy chair. I don't know what to do... He said I had powers like him... But they could be different... He is seriously trying to confuse me now... But I do need answers...

The screams eventually stopped, and I was left with silence. I sighed and took a sip of my drink and then placed it down. I sighed again and closed the eyes. It had been a long day...

I open my eyes again and get jump scared by the bartender. "Oh, Sorry Ms." he says, and I sigh and say, "it's fine, you need something?" "Oh, no... Just making sure you're not dead" he says. I nod and he smiles softly.

"What's your name?" I ask him and he says "Oh, call me jack" he says. I nod and say, "how long have you worked here?" "4 months and 2 days" he says as he walked over to the seat right next to me and sits down. 

"Are you Quackity and Wilbur's lover?" Jack asks. Which makes my face cringe... "No" I say to him which he tilts his head. "They seem quite possessive of you..." he says. "Why is that?" I ask him and he says, "do you not watch they're expressions?"

I then looked back into my memories and remember the weird expressions they would give. "They do give some weird looks" I say to him. "They also seem to talk about you a lot" Jack says. "Talk about me" I repeat.

"Yep" he says which makes me confused. Why would they need to talk about me... "Talk about what?" I say to him. "They talk about how you are going to be they're and that they need to get rid of people in the way" he answers. 

What in the actual fuck? I then heard two pairs of walking and saw Wilbur and Quackity. Jack stood up admittedly like he was afraid to even be talking to me. He instantly walked away...

The things Jack told me kept replaying inside my head. It got interrupted by Wilbur sitting next to me. "Hello~" he said to me with a flirty voice. He put his head on my shoulder, and he had a grin on his face. 

Quackity came to my other side and sat next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Woah you guys are getting clingy" I say as I try to shove them off. 

But they didn't budge, and I was now stuck in the middle of them... Then what Jack said went back into my brain. What could it mean? Too much shit is happening in my life I need a break...

I felt tired and just relaxed into their arms. Not like I was getting out of it any time soon. I felt my eyes close shut. I felt the void take me in like it has before....

(Time skip)

I woke up to snoring and saw that Wilbur was laying on my chest. He was a loud snorer- I then noticed I was on Quackity's chest. I yawned and tried to nudge Wilbur off but failed. I then tried again and succeeded. Once I did Wilbu started hugging the couch pillow.

I stood up and stretched turning around to see them both. They both looked like idiots... Wilbur was hugging the pillow... Quackity was drooling if I had a phone, I would have taken a picture. 

I also noticed it is nighttime as well. I sigh... Then my brain went back to my brother. I need to understand more... I needed to go see him...

But why could I not bring them? I then remembered what Jack said... This is all getting way too confusing for my liking... Where is Rosana when you need her? 

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