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Mature Themes and Language

Mature Themes and Language

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Your eyes shot open, as you instantly rise from your slumber. Today you were for once excited to be awoken by that cursed alarm. You actually had something to look forward to!

The Y/N L/N was going on...

"MY CRUISE! FUCK I'M GONNA BE LATE" You yelled as you stood up and looked at the alarm time. You forget to change your alarm clock to an hour earlier. But it's fine...

You quickly rush and get your clothes on that were laid on your bed. Luckily you showered the night before and your hair was already done from last night. After a couple of touch-ups and some make-up, you were ready.

Grabbing the few backs you had, you put everything in the living room. You had a couple of more minutes to spare. You hear a noise coming from the room beside yours.

Itadori, half asleep, shirtless, had an arm on the doorframe as he looked at you.

"You're still going to that cruise?" He asked as he yawned mid-sentence. You rolled your eyes and smiled.

"Yes, I'm still going! It was only a hundred bucks. Great opportunity for a twenty-one-year-old" You state as you shrugged your shoulders. Itadori thought about it for a minute.

"Yeah that seems kind of sketchy.. see if you come back home" He joked, though he was a bit concerned, the way his voice was laced with a hint of worry.

"Oh Yuji, I'll be okay. I promise" You reassure the male as you hug him. He quickly hugs you back as he takes in your scent once more.

"Tell Nobara to stay safe! I gotta go now" And with that, you were off. You drove to the docks of where your oddly large cruise was.

Hauling all of your shit to the line to check-in. You're faced with a blue-haired girl, her name tag read Miwa.

"Hii miss! Are you excited about your trip?!" She asked with a big smile on her face as she took your ticket and marked it off.

"Oh- yes, I'm super excited! I can't wait to see all of the islands." A bright smile was placed on your lips. Your h/c shined under the sunlight as your lip gloss did.

"Right on aboard then!" She said as she pointed towards the front. You followed her finger and got all of your things to the cruise. After making it on, and into your room, you put all of your suitcases and bags down.

A huff and a puff slipped from your mouth. Not wanting to waste time, you quickly got into your bathing suit.

"I hope I find some cute guy for a fling," You say to yourself as you leave your room, your two-piece swimsuit hugging your body.

The cruise had just taken off and everyone started to get settled in. You noticed a man at the pool who seemed rather attractive. Striding your way over, you dip into the pool and shiver as you feel the cool temperature hit your sensitive back.

The male had blondish-black hair and a smug look on his face.

His body was coated in water as he had just risen from the deep depths of the pool. He eyed you up and down, taking in how that tight swimsuit of yours shaped your frame.

"Shit you look good" the male practically purred. This wasn't the first nor the last you'd gotten compliments... cat calls even.

"Hello to you too" You retort as you look at the scenery in front of you.

"I'm Naoya, you are?" Naoya asks as he smirks. Your eyes follow his and notice he's looking at your chest.

"I'm Y/N... my eyes are up here" You raise his chin with your finger and make eye contact with him.

The slightest blush was on his face, he couldn't let you know that that small action got him excited.

"Anyways, I'm trying to relax and enjoy my first day of the cruise so... shoo shoo" You move your hands in a shooing motion and he grunts. A frown is evident on his face as he swims off.

The sun was setting, it seemed to have calmed down on the cruise. The warm air had a small breeze to it, while the chill of the water coasted your lower half.

Everything seemed to be blissful and you actually felt relaxed once in your life. The thoughts of work and bills and a love life seemed to have disappeared.

Well, maybe not the love life...

Too busy distracted with your thoughts, you failed to realize that people were starting to scream. You finally hear a scream loud enough, and you jump in the water. You look towards the front of the ship.

A giant rock is headed right in the ship's direction. Your heart started to race as you climbed out of the water and tried to run to your room.


The ship made an impact with the rock. Smoke and fire started to arise. You looked around and didn't have a clue on what to do. A scream slipped from your lips as you looked around for anything.

The ship was sinking and it felt like the Titanic all over again. You saw someone throw a table out into the water and did the only thing you could.

Jumping into the cold water, you rise up. Luckily you took swim lessons. A big gasp came from you once you reached the top. Climbing on the table you pray it stayed afloat.

The last thing you heard before you blacked out from the adrenaline rush was...

"Hey, you stupid bitch! That was my boat!"

Hours? Days? You didn't know how long you were out. You were just hungry, thirsty, and uncomfortable. You smelled like the ocean and your hair was dirty. You opened your eyes to see you were washed ashore.

Looking up, you see a bright green and colorful island in front of your eyes. Which seemed to have people living on it.

"Where... am I?"

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