Chapter 6: Amira's POV

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I wake up to the familiar sound of rocks being thrown at my window. Shit. I forgot to cancel with Asher. To be fair, it's not like I have his number or anything so I technically had no way of telling him that I couldn't hang out today. 

I look at the clock on my bedside table to see that it is already 4 p.m. 

I open up my window just to see Asher, rock in hand ready to throw it.

"Wait! I'm here. Don't throw the fucking rock please," I pull my hood over my head, remembering how I must look at the moment. 

He laughs and puts the small rock down. 

"Asher I'm sorry, but I can't hang out. My new 'stepmother' is coming for dinner. She's going to be here soon."

He looks disappointed, and I do feel bad. It makes me feel weird that he cares so much about hanging out with me. I just thought he pitied me. 

"Oh. That's fine. Maybe I'll come over later," He grins and walks away before I can protest. I don't say anything, I just roll my eyes and shut my window. 

Surprisingly, I actually want to look decent for Sarah. Asher coming here put a little spring in my step for some reason- plus I don't want her to think I am rude. In saying that, I haven't looked good for anyone in a while- I might be a little rusty. 

I have a shower and quickly blowdry my thick hair. Then I use my flat iron to straighten it as much as I can. No one every taught me how to take care of my curly hair. My mother had the same hair as me, but I never even got to meet her. It's nice knowing that I share that trait with her. Almost like a connection that can't be taken away by anyone. 

Normally I just leave my hair and put it into a bun or a braid. A couple of years ago though I would straighten it every morning for school or for any outing that I had. It was like an addiction. 

I put on jeans and a hoodie. Sure, I could dress nicer. But I don't want her to think I am the sort of person to just wear a sundress around the house. Maybe I used to be that sort of person. Not anymore. 

I go downstairs, expecting my father to be home to be met by an empty house. I don't know what I expected. Him to be cooking a 4-course meal for his new girlfriend? 

I realize that he is probably just going to bring home takeout and act like he cooks for me all the time. I wonder if Sarah knows what a shitty father he is to me. If she would even care. 

I plop myself down on the couch and check the time. 5. My dad texted me and said that they would be here with takeout around 5:30. 

I applaud myself for being ready on time- something that I always seem to struggle with. 

I hear the door open. 

I hear my dad's laugh, which I haven't heard in years. I hear a sweet woman's laugh as well and some chatter coming from both of them when they enter my view. 

My dad is in a nice button-up shirt and dress pants, and a woman's arm is attached to his. Next to him is Sarah (I assume). She is in a cute sundress that reaches her ankles. She has huge hoops in her ears and her jet-black hair is cut close to her head. She is beautiful. Looks kind too. 

She gives me a warm smile and comes to hug me, to my surprise. She has a maternal energy, a warm aroma that makes me relax. 

"Amira. It's so lovely to meet you, sweetheart." 

My dad gives me a 'be good' look from over her shoulder, and I nod at him simply. Sarah pulls away and shows me the bag of Chinese food. 

"We brought some food," The smile hasn't left her face. It's terrifying. I don't think I could smile for that long if I tried. 

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