Chapter 20: Amira's POV

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His bed smells like him. 

When I first woke up, I was incredibly confused when I looked around and saw guys clothes everywhere. 

But then I remembered what happened yesterday and it put a smile on my face. 

The fact that I felt comfortable enough to fall asleep with him and his brother around speaks for itself. I don't remember the last time I felt safe enough to let myself sleep with other people in the room. Not that I have had many opportunities since Logan. 

Finn must have woken up before me as he doesn't seem to be around. I remember looking behind me and seeing Finn asleep on Ashers shoulder, and then I was out like a light. 

Ashers bed is navy with a huge blanket on top of it, and it smells exactly like him. I could lay here forever. 

But after about 5 minutes of staring at the ceiling, I realise I can't lay here forever and that would actually be quite rude. 

So I get up and chuck on a hoodie that I found on the ground. It must be Ashers. Hopefully he won't mind, I'm only wearing it to go downstairs. 

I put the hood over my head and smooth my hair down a little bit with my fingers before exiting Ashers room and heading towards the kitchen. 

I can hear the sizzling of a pan as soon as I hit the floor of the kitchen. 

There, I see a shirtless Asher who seems to be cooking pancakes while dancing to music that is playing from the speakers in his roof. 

He doesn't seem to notice me, so I sit down at the breakfast bar and clear my throat with a grin on my face. 

He turns around and smiles warmly, making sure to keep eye contact with me as always. 

"Morning Mira, pancakes?" 

I nod gratefully. 

"I haven't had pancakes in years." He looks shocked when I say this, like I just told him his puppy died or that I don't know how to read. 

"What? How come?" He sounds alarmed and I am careful how I answer this. 

The real reason why I haven't eaten pancakes is that I always feel guilty when I eat things like that. It's Logans voice in my head always echoing. 

Don't eat that. Can't have you gaining any weight, sweetheart." 

Back then, for some reason I thought he was just looking out for me. But now I know that is no way to speak to anyone, let alone your own girlfriend. 

"I don't know." 

Most people would brush off the fact that I haven't eaten a certain food in a while, but Asher knows it's deeper than just that. 

Asher plates up the pancakes and looks at me suspiciously but doesn't push me for answers, which I appreciate. 

He seems to finish cooking and turns around to face me, and I try not to drool at his shirtless torso. He's built and extremely toned, looking like he could snap me in half. 

His hair is crazy and his eyes are tired, but that just makes him more attractive somehow. He looks like something out of a romance movie right now. 

I can see the sympathy in his eyes from my previous comment when he passes me a plate. He has placed out many different sauces on the bench, plus some fruit and whipped cream too. 

"What toppings do you want?" He asks me in a morning voice, and I look at him and wonder if this is just a dream. 

It seems like a simple thing. A friend making you pancakes and serving them for you. For some people, that is something they experience every morning. 

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