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Maliha watched out of the window. She could see the birds flying out there. The free spirits were flying without any worries and humans were stuck in man made issues.

"Maliha! I want to talk about something very important" Wasif tried to gain her attention.

"That important matter is about me going to Pakistan. Right!" She diverted her attention to him.

"Beta! He is your father" Wasif said helplessly.

"First of all Dad, he isn't my father. Only you are my father. I don't want you to say it ever again. Secondly, he left me and mama. It was his choice. Why is he creating a problem now" She tried to remain calm.

"Yes you are my daughter. Alhamdulillah for it. You know how much you matter to me" He said emotionally,

"But we can't change the reality Maliha. He is your biological father. I know, he didn't take your responsibility, he left you but you are still his blood. Nothing can change this reality. He is regretting his past decisions and wants to meet his daughter" He didn't know how to make her agree.

"Why you and mama are so involved in this matter. Why even mama agreed to send me. He did so wrong to her and she is still...." She stopped talking and covered her face with her both hands.

"One thing Lubna wants you to understand beta. When Lubna took divorce from him. Their relationship ended. Whatever was between them ended right there, but your relationship with him can't be broken ever. Minus Lubna from the equation. She isn't part of anything now. She does want you to go back to Pakistan and meet your father and other relatives. Mateen called her and apologized for everything. He literally begged her to send you Pakistan" Wasif was trying his best to make her understand.

"We don't want you to keep apart from your blood relations. Life is too short beta. We shouldn't have grudges in our hearts for anyone. Everything he did was wrong but forgiving him can bring you and him peace. Then do it"

Maliha heard him but didn't show any reaction.

"Okay I will go" After a few minutes, she announced her decision and left the room.


'Kider phassa dia chachu ap ny' He muttered by watching his apple watch.

The flight landed late, he was waiting for her cousin for the past 40 minutes. He had seen her picture, he could recognize her but how would she recognize him.

He was thinking about this matter when she saw him walking through the arrival.

Dressed in a purple top and black pants, she was moving a trolley bag in her one hand. On the other hand she was holding her mobile phone.

She saw something on her mobile and raised her face to see people around her.

Then her eyes fell at a man standing far from her, she saw her mobile once again and walked to him.

"Your name?" She asked standing near him.

"Burak Ahmed" He said confidently. He understood, uncle must have sent her his picture so she could recognize him too.

"I am Maliha Mateen. You must have come here to receive me" She asked watching him from head to toe.

He was dressed in black shalwar qameez, draped a dark brown shawl around his shoulders. From just one look he appeared quite handsome to her.

She was standing in Pakistan, watching a man dressed in traditional clothes, calling him handsome in her mind she had already liked Pakistan a bit.

"Yes. Give me your bag" He asked firmly in his deep voice.

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