chapter two

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LUFFY AND KOBY WERE DRIFTING ALONG THE CURRENT, the former resting whilst the latter kept the boat in the right direction

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LUFFY AND KOBY WERE DRIFTING ALONG THE CURRENT, the former resting whilst the latter kept the boat in the right direction.

Koby sighed once again, hiding his face from the blazing sun. He glanced down at Luffy, but he knew the boy was fast asleep. Looking up, he surveyed the vast ocean they were floating on and gasped as he spotted something in the distance. He stood up instantly which woke up Luffy, whom almost tipped the boat over.

"What? What's happening?" He mumbled sleepily.

Koby pointed, "There's a boat over there!"

They squinted their eyes, and Koby was right. Well, partially.

"It looks like it's sinking."

Luffy grabbed the paddles and pushed them to the direction of the boat. In Koby's opinion, it was quite stupid to row to another pirates boat, what if they attacked? Not many pirates were as nice as Luffy, if not any.

By the time they made it to the sinking boat, it was more than halfway down. There was a person sitting on the top of the sail, looking out onto the horizon. The boat neared and they could make out the figure.

A woman sat on the last bit of the boat left, humming a little song as her feet swayed just two inches above the water.

"Need a ride?" Luffy yelled, a big smile on his face.

'More crewmates!' He thought.

She looked down and carelessly hoped onto the boat. It rocked, making Koby shriek. She watched the last of her boat sink and shook of imaginary dust on her hands.

"Well, that's gone." She mumbled, before turning to the people on the boat.

"[name]!" Luffy shouted happily.


They met in a hug and Koby looked on in confusion. The crazy stretchy boy he followed off Alvida's ship was now hugging a random pirate they just saved from drowning in the middle of the ocean.


Only conclusion he could come to. And also way too nice for anybody.

"Koby! This is my friend, [name]." Luffy introduced, giving them both a huge smile that could rival with rats of sun.

She stared at him, "One, two? Man crew? On a tiny boat? Luffy, your not making it to the grand line whoops."

He stared at her with a deadpan expression, but ignored what she said.

"Why was your ship sinking?" Koby asked, not sure why Luffy disregarded the fact that his FRIEND had almost gone down to the bottom of the ocean with a ship.

She shrugged and Koby stood there, poundering. Why did he ever follow Luffy? These two were clearly insane.

"It got shot a few seas back I guess." Was all she said before flopping down on one side of the boat.

A FEW SEAS BACK??? Koby needed to get off this boat.

Luffy looked at her in worry, but said nothing. They all rested down on the boat in content, well not Koby. He still doesn't know which was better, being with Alvida or these two. Probably these two. He doesn't really know.

short ahh chapter filler ig🤷🏽‍♀️

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short ahh chapter filler ig🤷🏽‍♀️

I am also very busy and very mentally yacky, love y'all

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