Chapter 10 ☀ Headmaster

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The large hewed stone door in front of her bore its age in the shape of ancient runes, nearly faded away with the inescapable onslaught of time. Imposing and large, built into the entrance of what she assumed to be a large cavern, her eyes darted nervously as she licked her dry lips in anticipation of her meeting with the Headmaster.

Besides her, Zamir stared with a bored gaze in the direction of the large door, giving some time for her to process the door before her.

After some quiet moments had passed, he asked quietly, "What do you see?" Another pause. "In front of you?"

She glanced at him with a confused look, wondering if he'd lost a few brain cells during their travels here. "Uh," she stammered. "A large stone door? With some interesting runes around the border, but I can't really make them out."

"Are you sure?" he asked, with a slight urgency slipped into his tone. "Not at all?"

She still didn't understand. "What -no? They're much too faded... don't you see them too? Look how faded they are! You can barely tell the runes apart from the border, they've practically disappeared with time."

He smiled softly, the urgency gone from his tone now. "How interesting. I don't see any runes, nor do I see a stone door. The door I see is simply made of dark oak wood. It makes me wonder at your past lives, at the history behind your lineage and what you were before the Monastery."

Then without another word, he confidently strolled forward and lifted the large moon-shaped knocker on the door to announce their arrival. Khoeli wanted to ask more, but giving the door an additional glance, she felt herself fall silent instead. Her questions could wait for another time.

After a few seconds, the doors slowly creaked open, revealing a large and dark cavern, just like she had expected. Khoeli started and then froze, and it took a gentle push from Zamir's shadows to help propel her forward. She glanced about, confused about the change in scenery and mood. The halls of the institute had been grand and refined, befitting of royalty more than the scholars it hosted within. But the headmaster's office was in a cave, of all things.

Eerie green torchlight flickered on, but did little to help light the vast cavern itself. It seemed larger than life, and she wondered at how it fit in the academy at all, before she realized that it actually ran under the academy. Dark green steps, possibly made of jade, she guessed, went down and down and down into the darkness. She felt queasy. "Zamir, are we... supposed to really go down there? It doesn't look safe."

He grinned. "No worries, that walk is only meant for prisoners. Most students aren't aware, but we hold some of the most dangerous prisoners to both the Sa'al and the Mo'ori within these walls." He nudged her into a side tunnel she just noticed. "We'll be taking this service tunnel instead. But make sure you never enter these parts alone - you could become quite lost. These walls are meant to hold prisoners in, not let idiotic students out."

She smoothed down her dress in worry. "I understand."

"You should also be aware, " he continued. "that the Headmaster has recently come into possession of an Ilsuri. I only say this to warn you, due to your previous experiences with one, but this one is fully under his control."

She gasped. "Aren't those... meant only for upper ranking officials?"

And only those from the Mo'ori - wasn't the Sa'al privy to a different kind of beast?

He chuckled. "Not exactly. The Ilsuri are attracted to power, and they often bond with their former master's killer. The powerful Nightshades are naturally amongst the Mo'ori elite circles of the upper ranking officials."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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