Chapter 2 ☀ Strange

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Chapter 2 - Strange

"It's dark," Felix complained.

"That's the fifth time you've said that. I didn't need you to come along," Khoeli retorted. "You could've stayed behind and fought whoever's coming too."

"They made me go with you!"

"Uh huh."

His eyes glared at her in the darkness, illuminated by the moonlight. "They did. Did that empty head of yours forget our conversation about it already?"

She stiffened, hearing a rustle in the leaves.

"What, can't come back at me?" he taunted. "Lazy, good-for-nothing--"

She clasped her hand over his mouth, hissing "Quiet!"

His eyes opened wide, but he stayed quiet.

Satisfied, she released his mouth.

"Something's following us," Khoeli whispered. Her hand crept to her bow, automatically sliding it out of her quiver and slipping it onto her bow. "I've heard it three times now, always in the same direction. I'll take it out. Make sure you lay low."

Felix nodded, before scampering up the nearest tree and disappearing into the darkness.

She became razor alert. Scanning the dark woods around her, she relied not on her vision but on her instincts and ears.

She heard a rustle to her left. Turning quickly, she'd pulled back the bowstring to her cheek and took a half second to aim before letting the arrow fly free.

She heard another rustle, this time from behind her. In a blink, her bow was reloaded and the string was once again pulled back to her cheek. "Stop! I will shoot if you don't reveal yourself," she commanded. "As you can see, I won't hesitate."

The rustle of leaves stopped. Dropping her bow on the ground as she approached where she'd last heard the rustle in leaves, she quietly withdrew the knives from her sleeves. Jumping forward suddenly, she was startled when she approached nothing but a small squirrel.

She squealed. "Aren't you the cutest! Can I eat you!"

The squirrel ran away, chattering.

Chuckling, she walked back to where she'd left Felix. Squirrels were bothersome to cook, anyways. A flash of silver caught her eye, and she remembered her arrow. She didn't have a limitless supply of those, much as Felix and the other Brothers liked to tease her about it.

She paid no heed to the branches that cracked under her feet. She figured she'd scared off any animal within a mile radius at least. Her stomach grumbled angrily. "Looks like I'll be stuck with the Brothers' rabbit food - again."

Her eyes caught sight of the arrow. It was pinning something against the tree. Her stomach made a questioning growl.


"Shush. You're being rude," the girl reprimanded her stomach.

Noticing that whatever was pinned to the tree had a strange energy about it, she became cautious and slowed down. She may have teased Felix earlier about his lack of vision in the forest, but she was just as blind as he was. She relied on sound for her night hunts, but when looking at something, she was useless.

She heard a growl from the object that was most definitely not her stomach.

"O-okay." She took a step back, nervously fingering her blades. She really wished she hadn't dropped her bow earlier. It'd be helpful in this kind of situation.

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