Roll class

306 6 5

You enter roll class and see some people wearing gear and some people who aren't.

You decide to sit down next to a girl with dark red hair that's cut into almost a pixie cut.
"Hello! My name is red.... ironic right"  she seems pretty nice and she extends her arm out to shake your hand.
"Hello" you say "Uhh... my name is y/n" you say as you shake your hand as you are a bit taken a back by her confidence and overall positive and inviting energy"

"Alright class! As you know this is class is just to inform you about any notices and as it's the first day I have ... the all mighty honor of giving you all your time tables" The teacher announces in a sarcastic voice but not in a rude way.

You notice red immediately put up her hand "Yes ?"
"Exuse me, but what's your name!" Red says enthusiasticly
"Ummm.... jeez your exited... I'm Mr. Smith uhh.... I'm also the art teacher."

Everyone is just looking at red, 3 people at the back of the class in the right corner sinkering and probably talking sh*t about red from her enthusiasm.
You glare at the people and they realize and stop, and look around.

"ANYWAYS, here are your time tables."
Mr Smith says as he walks past each desk and places their time table to them after he asks their name

You hear the bell ring just as he finishes handing out the time tables. "Alright everyone feel free to leave... unless you have art first on the timetable if so just sit down and wait for everyone to get here

As he Finishes saying that you look down at your time table and see that you have indeed have art first up on Mondays.

"Do you have art to? Same!" Red says as she sits next to you and takes out paint, as you reach into your bag and do the same...

Therian school story Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora