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Nova 🌙

He looked at me, shocked into stunned silence.

"Now come on" I dragged him to our assigned station "The faster we get this over with, the faster I can learn some things about my new friend."

Our temporary teacher, Nikos perked up at our approach, sending a wide grin my way.

I couldn't help the small blush that spread across my cheeks.

Because while I didn't want to get involved with someone at this school, especially at a time like this, I couldn't deny that he was handsome.

Nikos was considered an unconventional type of handsome, the flirty grin he wore making my blush deepen just a little bit more.

Charlie flinched from beside me, his eyes glancing over to where Atlas was glaring at us from the inside.

"Okay students" Nikos clapped his hand, motioning for us to follow him onto the mat "In this station, you'll be learning the art of redirection."

"Redirection?" Charlie question, his nose crinkling "What's that?"

"Good question" Nikos smiled "Redirection is when you counter your opponent's technique and use it against them."

He eyes slid to mine "Do you mind if I use you for an example?"

I nodded and his smiled widen even more as he moved over to where I stood, his hands gripping my hips in a way that had me flushing as an uncomfortable feeling started in the pit of my stomach.

It was a dull and unpleasant feeling, making my body want to recoil away from his touch.

A thunderous growl sounded from behind us, making everyone's eyes shifting towards the grumpy ass Alpha locked up in the cage behind me.

My eyes met his and I was startled when I saw an almost animalistic and brutal look in his eyes.

Eyes that somehow seemed to freaking gleam even more golden than before.

Coach scowled before stomping over to where the cages were located and typing something into the key pad.

Suddenly, the electrical fence was powered down a second before three panels shot down from the top of the cage, encasing it in what looked like thick ass glass.

Atlas pounded on the door, snarling something no one could hear.

"Back to what you were doing!" Coach barked at us "Don't mind him!"

While everyone returned to their exercises, I was hesitant to turn my attention away from a very pissed off looking Atlas.

My attention was redirected when Nikos placed his hands on my hips once again.

"Back to what I was saying" he said, forcing me to face Charlie "Charlie, if you will, please attack us."

"What?"Charlie raised a polished eyebrow "You want me to attack the last living Lupine Heir?"

Nikos laughed "Trust me, she won't get hurt."

"How sure are you of your techniques?" Charlie questioned seriously "Because if I so much as leave a tiny scratch on her, I'll have nearly a million wolves coming for my heads...and that doesn't even include my very pissed off Alpha Heir that's right behind me."

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