in my dreams (A/n)

169 2 14

October 23|2023

It started small.

I saw a lunchable with crackers shaped liked eyes, the candy snack was gummies in the shape of different characters heads, Barnaby was a blue raspberry, Julie pink and watermelon flavored.

Even the juice pouch, apple flavored with a picture of Wally sitting and sipping the Apple flavor, small things like that.

And then I started to see him.

Staring from afar or walking past in a crowded setting.

That later a few days.

Then he got closer, I could see more and more that what I thought was a smile, was really a sinister smirk.

I could still sleep, but I knew he would always be there. Always watching, even reoccurring dreams that I've had for years that never changed, he appeared in them too.

And then he touched me.

I don't remember what I had been originally dreaming about, but he wasn't there, and then he was.

I felt cold and out of place in my own dream, later my husband told me I was freezing cold before he left to work, and despite having three blankets over my body, I couldn't get warm.

Not with those dark soulless eyes staring at me.

Or was he looking into me? Into my soul and mind?

Or was he looking past me? At something more sinister than him?

I hope not.

I can still feel the cold felt of his puppet fingertips.

I can hear him humming, even when I can't see him or when I'm awake, I can hear him humming, it sounds familiar but it also sounds like the notes are wrong.

I'm rambling, he's always cold, like he's never felt the warmth of the sun.

That was a couple of weeks ago.

And it's gotten worse.

I'll wake up screaming, if I were alone that would be fine, but I wake up my husband, and my 21 month old son, I feel terrible for waking them almost twice a week now.

He never speaks just hums, and I've never seen him move, he stands still like Michael Myers (UwU) and I think I'd rather take Myers than Wally.

Michael can kill with ease and (usually) kills fast.

Wally doesn't.

The dream with the operating table is the worse so far.

The endless library, where I just run and run, it's not so bad, but I wake up extremely exhausted.

But I'd rather run in my dreams and be exhausted during the day, then be strapped to an operating table and hurt wherever Wally decided to 'operate' on during the day.

I've lost count how many times he's cut me open, chased me, dropped things on my ass like the damn Coyote and Roadrunner, or even the fake wake up.

That's the one that's been screwing with my head, the fake wake up.

He'll be elbows deep in removing some organ or cutting off a limb, and then ill open my eyes and see my room.

I'll see the ceiling fan, my galaxy wall and the crib where my son sleeps, I'll turn over and wrap my arms around my husband to try and ground myself that it was just a dream.

And then I hear it.

His humming.

I'll look up, and instead of my husband, it'll be Wally.

Staring down at me with wide open eyes and this sickly sweet smile, and my husbands arms feel like soft felt as he sheds my husbands skin like a snake or like the Shreikers from the Tremors Movies.

He's tormenting me.

Taking me apart and sewing me back together, taunting me as I run from this invisible force, pretending to wake me up and then taking the shape of my husband, he's watching.

He's always watching, and I've taken down every drawing I've made of him and stuffed them into my art drawers.

I thought about burning them but I can't, what if I release him somehow? And he starts to torment other fans or my town?

I even spoke to my doctor, im getting put back on anxiety and depression drugs, Zolaft (Setraline) and Lorazepam.

Even melatonin to help me sleep.

I hope they help.

My dear readers, I only tell you this because it's been interfering with life and updates.

I've got lots of drafts and stories that I want to publish, but they aren't finished and I know you guys really want an update.

Please feel free to read my other Wally works

Call me! Rockstar Wally X Reader

And if you want something creepypasta

You've changed Homicidal Liu X Reader
It's just a cigarette Tim/Masky X Reader

I have been working on my drafts, but please know that this chapter isn't a joke and I've been struggling with sleep for a while now.

I don't know if this thing is Wally, my imagination (yeah right), or maybe this old ass house does have a ghost and this is how it's showing that.

If you guys are interested in hearing more about what "Wally" has been putting me through during the night, I can make a book where I write down all that he's done and what else he might try to do.

But know it's really not for younger audiences, some of it is, like the library or the hopscotch thing.

The other stuff. . . Let's just say I could go into light detail and on any other platform I'd be banned or reported for gore.

I hope you guys are alright and can be patient with me, I really do hate that I haven't updated but, Im trying my best.

Spread the spores,

940 Words

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