First (not) day at school

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Chapter 2:

It turns out Biana had forgotten to set an alarm. Which wouldn't have been too bad if Dex hadn't assumed she was already up and didn't come check on her until 15 minutes before they had to leave. So now Biana was speed-styling her hair while also trying to put her shoes on at the same time. Dex had been kind enough to pack her lunch, which he had adamantly assured wasn't just brownies, and gather her school supplies and put them into her backpack. Biana just finished putting her mascara on, she had to use the tiny mirror in the car.

"We're here." Dex said, pulling into his parking spot. Biana complained about them having to walk to the school when they were already driving, and Counselor Terik had apparently gotten that changed. Dex had received an email earlier that morning that they now had a parking space on campus.

"Thank go traffic was so slow." Biana mumbled, flinging the door open and grabbing her stuff. Dex followed her, in much less of a hurry than she was. Biana glanced up and finally caught the name of her high school, Bronx High School. Biana vaguely remembered Dex telling her that it wasn't the science division and Biana didn't know whether to be grateful or not.

"It's scarier when the traffic is going slower." Dex mumbled under his breath. Biana had no idea how that worked, wouldn't it be scarier if the traffic was going really fast? Biana rolled her eyes and pushed open the big glass doors that led into the school, Dex following her. Luckily they weren't late. At least not yet. They both split and went to their separate lockers. Maybe their lockers being separate would be the next thing Biana complains about, just to see if the council could the school to move them closer together. They met up again at the base of the stairs that led to the other floors. They hurriedly walked up the stairs, dodging other students who were hurrying to their classes. Biana and Dex sat down in their seats just as the bell rang. Today Mr. Rendi's eyes weren't red, and he didn't reek of cologne. Also, their lesson today was just as intense as the one yesterday. Mr. Rendi did nothing but talk and you were expected to keep up and take notes on both what he wrote on the board and what he said. Just for your information, the stuff he put on the board and what he was talking about were two completely different things.

When the bell rang again Biana made another mental note to go back and re-write her notes because they were a jumbled mess. As expected, Mr. Rendi gave them another reading and pulled Dex and Biana off to the side to tell them about the stuff that would be on the test on Friday. He followed up by giving them extra reading so they would be caught up. Biana was not happy. In English next period Mr. Manuster made them take an assessment test on where their reading and writing skills were, Biana was a little nervous since she had only just learned English.

"You two just learned English right?" Mr. Manuster asked when he checked his email, pointing a finger at them as if he was thinking. Biana and Dex nodded. Biana knew Dex had learning English when he was like, five, but the council had decided that he would pretend he had learning English along with Biana. "You two are already so fluent, I'm sure you'll do just fine." Biana wasn't so sure. Dex had only tried to reassure her by saying;

"What are they going to do? Make you take a kindergarten class?" He probably meant it as a joke but from what little Biana had heard about being held back by Sophie it honestly didn't seem like too far of a stretch.

As Biana walked to her Chemistry class she might admit she was a little panicky for no reason. The English test was fine, and she had no problem doing any of the things Mr. Manuster asked. In chemistry, they were starting a lab, where they would take the mass of objects and find their volume then calculate the density, and then use the density to find out what element or material it was. It wasn't hard it was just way different from anything Biana had ever done before.

Pink Castle Amusement Park Bianex/Dexiana AU (Biana Vacker x Dex Dizznee)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat