Lots of things to do.

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Chapter 5: 

They both got an interview! A few days had passed since they both submitted their interview form and they had finally gotten an email back. Well, Dex got a response before Biana did, an entire day before Biana did. At least they both got an interview. Dex's interview was scheduled for Thursday at 4:00 pm, and Biana's was scheduled for Friday at 4:00 pm, which was going to be a bit of a problem since the call with the council and their parents had been bumped up a few hours because the council had something they needed to attend to at 6:00 pm. Biana and Dex had already texted their parents about the problem but they were both delaying the act of communicating with the council on it because neither of them really wanted to deal with the council. Anyways, it was Thursday at 3:30 pm. Dex had just driven them back to their apartment and he was currently changing clothes as fast as he possibly could. The streets were surprisingly empty so they could drive with limited interruptions. Biana had decided to go with Dex, just for moral support, or maybe because she wanted to check out the park before her own interview.

"Are you ready!" Dex shouted as he ran down the stairs, car keys jangling in his hands and he hastily pulled a sweater over his head and adjusted his shoe. Biana nodded and handed Dex his phone and slid her own phone into her pocket. Dex ran out of the apartment in a completely panicked mess and Biana rushed to lock the apartment behind them and had to run to make it to the elevator before the doors closed. Dex jabbed the lobby button with a little more force than necessary and the elevator started moving down.

"Dude, chill out for a second, you'll be fine." Biana said, adjusting her hair in the mirror on the side of the elevator. Dex closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again.

"Yeah, totally fine. It's not like the council is literally waiting for me to get this job so they can judge the humans through our hopefully soon-to-be work experiences." Dex hissed. Biana resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"The council won't care if you don't get the job. It was a little ridiculous of them to tell us to get a job in the first place. They should just expect us to go to school and observe the humans that way. Dex take another deep breath, and you'll do just fine, you literally recited flashcards the other day and researched typical interview questions. Pretty sure that will ensure you do good." Biana said, Dex took another deep breath and the elevator doors dinged open. Biana and Dex respectfully walked through the lobby, waving at Lauren who was talking with her daughter. In the parking lot, Dex was back to running, racing to the car and starting it. Biana was very sure that if Dex didn't get a hold of his nerves he was going to crash the car. Luckily for her, Dex seemed to realize this too. He sat at the wheel for a few seconds, just staring at the windshield before he buckled in.

"I guess your right. But I still want to try to get the job. It might be a good experience for when we get older, and we actually have to get a job." Dex mumbled, shoving the car keys into the ignition and turning the fob. The car started and Dex took one last breath before pulling out of the parking lot and getting onto the road. Dex had to pull up directions in order to find the theme park. When they arrived Biana could immediately tell that the park wasn't open, in fact, it looked almost desolate and unused. That did not help Dex's unease. Dex took a deep breath, handed Biana the car keys and opened the car door, and stepped out. Biana gave him her best reassuring smile and an enthusiastic thumbs up when he glanced back at her.

Dex disappeared into the office building and Biana took that as her cue to get out of the car and look around. The park looked old and like it really needed a new paint job. Biana reached out and touched one of the rides, it was rusty and felt rough under her touch. Biana wrinkled her nose, she quickly realized she absolutely hated the feel of rust. Biana pulled her hand away from the ride and turned on her heel. In New York, it was often chilly and Biana hadn't worn any kind of chill protection. Biana was making her way back to the car, the keys clamped firmly in her hand when she heard someone call out.

Pink Castle Amusement Park Bianex/Dexiana AU (Biana Vacker x Dex Dizznee)Where stories live. Discover now