8. Spoken Fun

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My mouth gaped as I stared at the man across from me.

Why'd he have to be so...good? How did he know exactly what I wanted?

I'd only allow myself brief moments to live in daydreams and fantasies, but in all of them, I craved a man that could handle me in my entirety. Love my ugly, love my pain, and love me until you can't think but to love me more.

"Well, I just got this assignment recently, and I think it might be a step in the right direction to make partner at my firm. If it works out, I could get access to bigger clients."

Even without seeing the mirror image of myself in the reflection of Eli's eyes and the napkin holder, I knew I radiated passion.

I loved what I did. There's some people that just know what they were born to do, and I'm one of them. I was born to be a lawyer, and I always knew I would have to be a success.

"That fire in your eyes is amazing, forreal. You're making your own way despite all obstacles." He nodded.

And somehow, I knew he wasn't bullshitting. Eli meant every word he said.

"I'm not going to lie, it's been hard. Sometimes, I have to work twice as hard, but that's just the name of the game." I shrugged.

Eli hummed for a moment at my statement while he watched me.

"Must be exhausting." He finally said, and I stilled.

"Yeah, I guess it is."

It felt almost like a deep exhale to admit it out loud. Weights fell from my shoulders to relax further into Eli's company.

I was the self-appointed strong member of my friend group. Lift them up when they're down and fight battles before they start.

But, damn, I needed someone to fight my battles for me sometimes.

A warm hand enveloped mine, fingers resting on the pulse of my wrists.

"You can rest with me, it's safe here." Eli promised.

Before I could stumble for a reply, a sultry voice filled the space and the music quieted.

"Hey, y'all. Some of you might know me, but I'm Angel." Cheers and applause went through the crowd.

Whoever was on the mic was clearly a fan favorite.

I turned quickly to find out who it was, and there stood one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen.

Long, bubble braids that fell to her thick thighs framed her smooth, cinnamon skin. Her lips and brows were full, and even from here, I could see one of her eyes were a hazel green.

The way she moved was derivative of her namesake, like she was perfectly molded by God's hands. Her voice made it even more evident with its silky, husked nature.

I just know she talks you through it.

"Spoken word is something I do in the pastime, so be easy on me." Angel turned the band. "Can y'all play something slow?"

Her voice had that smooth evening radio quality to it. Oddly, it reminded me of burning sage.

It blended perfectly with the low thump of the bass and the consistent ticks of the drums. Slowly, she moved so her lips just barely touched the mic and began to speak,

Because waiting is overrated.
I've resorted to inventing you in my mind.
Brown skin, sensual touch, and lips that fit perfectly to mine." Angel started, serenading us with carefully timed words.

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