16. Roll Bounce

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"You can't skate?" I laughed loudly as I circled around the pitiful form of Eli struggling to get back up. And failing.

Sensing his silent plead for mercy after his tenth fall of the evening, I tried to stifle my giggles while helping him up. I wasn't sure if the tight grip he kept on my hands was for self-preservation or a very cute attempt for physical contact.

From the shakiness in his legs and the amazement in his eyes, it was probably a bit of both.

"Why'd you suggest we come here if you can't skate?" I asked, skating backwards to keep him upright.

"I thought I'd be a prodigy." He responded haughtily before almost stumbling again. "That must've been karma, so the truth is I thought we'd learn together, and I'd get brownie points for nursing your bumps and bruises."

It was in that moment that I gained an unfailing appreciation for Eli.

He wasn't too proud to fail or too scared. It didn't matter if he was the worst or the best at something, he'd do it anyway if it brought him closer with the person he was doing it with.

Eli was determined to make everything a good time, and he cared enough to patch up any holes he made along the way.

For someone that felt success was the only option, his willingness and confidence to try regardless of the outcome was refreshing.

"Looks like I'll be the one bandaging you up." I responded and was met with a blinding smile full of pearly whites.

"Maybe that was my master plan all along." He wiggled his eyebrows in suggestion, tugging me slightly to a stop.

The toes of our skates were almost touching, and the skaters around us blurred as his hands pulled from my wrists to land on my waist.

"After all, I have such a pretty view." He whispered, leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of my lips.

"Get a room!" A young boy rudely interrupted when he skated by before bursting into laughter with his other friends.

Eli and I both rolled our eyes playfully before starting to skate again. But I wondered if it was just me that was disappointed the moment was lost.

We rode in a comfortable silence so he could finally start to get his bearings, but it helped me too. I was struggling to shake off the eerie feeling of wanting intimacy with him and damn everything else.

I could spend the whole night in this skating ring, just circling around with each other.

"I'm surprised you're letting me lead." I joked, turning my head to survey who might be behind or beside us.

It also broke the eye contact that was starting to heat my skin and dampen my panties.

"I don't mind a woman standing in her power. I find that shit sexy as fuck." Eli's response had my head turning sharply in his direction, but his eyes were already gliding across my body in admiration before boyish charm took over. "And I definitely don't want to fall and bust my ass again."

Giggles tumbled from my lips in an uncontrollable fit while Eli rubbed the back of his head in easygoing embarrassment.

He was so unexpected in my life, but also so deliciously good. God, underneath these colored lights and 70's funky flooring, Eli was perfect.

My exam was the last thing on my mind and instead replaced with thoughts of his lips against mine. My body would curve into his frame if he held me, and I'd go drunk with desire when his thick length pressed into my stomach.

I wasn't sure how I knew Eli was packing, but I was eager to confirm my suspicions.

Especially with this intoxicating concoction of boundless joy and electrifying lust radiating through me. Even with my eyes almost glazed over in sinful fantasy, I could see him clearer than anything else.

"I—" I want you. I need you. I really like you, probably more than I should and definitely more than I can afford. "I—" My mouth opened to form the worms, but they struggled to actually leave my lips.

"D9?" Eli questioned, confusion written across his handsome face. "Divine?"

End of flashback


I shook my head to bring the room back into focus, only to realize several heads were turned in my direction awaiting a response.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat the question?" I asked.

"I asked how the Clinton case was going? They're one of our most important clients this quarter." Avery, one of the best senior partners at our firm repeated with an exasperated look on his face.

We'd always got along, but Avery hated two things no matter what: repeating himself and being interrupted. That's probably why he chose business law because I doubt he'd last a day in criminal court without ringing the opposition's neck.

But despite all that, one things all lawyers had in common is that we hate losing in some way or another.

Hence the reason Avery's patience was even shorter than usual with me about the Clinton case. They were one of our biggest clients on retainer, and I was excited that I'd been chosen to oversee the merger they were currently undergoing.

They were sparing no expense, and the fact that I was one of the leads on this assignment meant I was a few steps closer to securing a junior partner position. It was causing me to be here longer nights than usual, and even when I was home, I had to do a few hours of work before I could really relax.

I wouldn't admit it, but I was shitting bricks.

"It's progressing a little slower than expected due to some issues with finding a middle ground on the new brand and the standing of employees. Big Business isn't exactly known for compromise." I responded, adding light humor at the end to ease some of the tension in the room.

Avery nodded as soft polite laughter sounded throughout the room, but his face still scrunched slightly in dissatisfaction.

All work, no play. In some ways, he reminded me of Dezmon, and for the first time in a long time, I wondered why I ever stuck with the coldness of that monotony.

"I expect to see some results soon, Ms. Jackson." Avery stated and moved on to the next assignment to discuss.

After the meeting, it felt like weights had been added to my ankles while I walked back to my office. Already, anxiety and stress were scratching at my skin, and I could feel sweat beginning to bead my palms.

Just as I was about to pass Claire's desk that was poised right in front of the blurred glass of my office door, she winked and smiled.

"A delivery came for you." She said with a sing-song tone to her voice while wiggling her eyebrows.

It brought a needed smile to my face as I shook my head from her antics.

"And I'm guessing you don't know what it is?" I teased, and Claire gasped in mock outrage.

"It's a federal offense to open other people's mail."

Laughing amongst ourselves, I pulled open the door to see a large brown circular box sitting in the center of my desk that was tied together with a satin bow. Excitement kept me from actually going around my desk to open it, so instead, I'd pushed the two seats reserved for clients out the way to pull apart the ribbon.

A gasp parted my lips once I pulled off the top of the box to reveal glitter-covered roses that deepened closer to the step from light to dark purple. They weren't exactly my favorite flower, but they were beautiful nonetheless.

"Wow, I almost wish I had opened them now." Claire said from behind me as she peaked over my shoulder. "Who are they from?"

Immediately, my mind flashed to Eli and the possibility that he'd been the one behind this romantic gesture. Almost unable to take my eyes away from the sparkling roses, I finally noticed the card sitting on top.

I bit my lip as I began to turn it over, dirty intentions forming in my mind of seducing Eli for his floral generosity and finally getting the prize I'd been so denied. Only for the pounding of my heart to stutter and slow as I finally read the note.

See you soon, Dove.

~ Dezmon


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