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Hey guys please note , i am changing the title to Mr and Mr jeon's family. I feel that would suit more.

Thank you🤍

Time skip

Tae pov
2 month went by i have lived the best moments in my life. I am 4 months pregnant now small cute bump can be seen.

My dae is going to school and i think he is very happy here. With his uncles. His soo uncle, fleee uncle and junu uncle well thats the name my son gave them and they call him dae. I didn't feel felix would get close to dae since he is kinda introvert but who can resists my baby.
I never cried after that day. I had to be strong for my kid.
And as for me i have gotten very close to mrs.jeon and also all three small brothers of the family.

As for jungkook we are good friends but my respect for him increases every day. I never met a person like him.  His priority is always family. His wants always comes after family.
We are just good friends but what suprises me is dae and jungkooks bond. They are so cute.

That day when dae got hurt while playing in the school he came back with injuries. I was awake whole night because he got  high fever because of the pain. Jungkook came every hour to check on him and also ask me to a nap he will keep a check on dae, he sat near the bed and i took nap besides dae i have was feeling also bit tired my legs were also paining so i slept for a while. And dae quickly snuggled into me. I woke up after a one hour. I didn't see jungkook or dae i went downstairs in the living room and saw something which really suprised me.

Dae was on top of jungkook and jungkook tightly hold him so he won't fall. The couch in the living room  was spacious so they all slept with no worries.

I checked dae's fever and saw that he had cool down and his bandages were changed. I bought blanket and placed it on them.

I never saw dae like this with his. He must really trust jungkook.

Back to me no one from that family contacted me. I don't have phone but email i checked on yeojun phone. Not one person comtacted. I don't know i don't feel anything  any more. I just i have this family and my son I need to look for. This family is have been nothing but good to me. They are so nice people. They are so beautiful people i will always be grateful for them.

Back to present day
Tae pov 

I woke up at 5:30 and went to the kitchen to help to jungkook with making of breakfast. There is rule in the house. No matter what everyone will have breakfast  together no matter what.

I stood there near kitchen door.

kook : oh taehyung u came, i told you not to come you need  more rest.

Tae : Its nothing jungkook. I am just on my four month. Nothing to worry about.
Last time doctor also said that you and mrs jeon heard it right. The baby is healthy

Kook : yes but still.

Tae : no still tell me what to do ? Sandwich ? Smoothie ?

Jungkook : you cut fruit, i noticed dae loved our strawberry smoothie that day. Thats why i bought strawberry yesterday.

Tae looked at him and said

Tae : jungkook  you don't have to do that
You already doing so much by letting us stay

Kook : tae should i complain to mom again ????

Tae : No pleasee....

Remembering those two days when mrs jeon heard me telling this same line to jungkook and she didn't talk to me for 4 days she ignored me.

Kook : you really love mom don't you ? Well she is such a lovely  person you know no one can resists her.

Tae :yes i love her too much. I have gotten attached to her maybe because she is that person who I craved for my mother could never become
Said with sad smile.

Jungkook noticed it. Taehyung never told jungkook what had happened but mrs jeon knows.
She called kook one day and said. That he needs to make sure that tae and dae is happy.

Kook : Tae there were 3 tomatoes in the race and tomato 1 was leading and tomato 3 was on the second lead
And they turned back and saw that tomato 2 is still behind them.
What will  say to tomato 2 ?

Tae : huh what ???

Kook : ketchup baby ketchup

And kook laughed thinking it was funniest joke but tae he giggled seeing jungkook laugh.

Thats how they started making breakfast.

Thats its for today
Guys pls comment and talk too mee hehehe  i will feel good

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MR AND MR JEON'S FAMILY Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon