Chapter 1 | 3 years earlier...

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The cold quiet arena was always my comfort place. I've been figure skating since I could walk, and I've been in partner skating since 5th grade. Senior year of high school is coming to an end, but not my love for ice skating.

The sound of my skates glazing the ice with the cold air hitting my face is a feeling I can't explain. When I'm in a bad mood, this is my happy place.

I wait for my partner, Anthony Vernon, to get here for practice. He's not much taller than me, and is a great teammate. We score quite well on our routines together. Nothing award winning, but we both enjoy competing.

He waltzes his way through the door with his bag and waves to me with a silent smile. His dark brown mane flows behind him as he heads to the locker room to change.

As he goes in, my coach catches the door and comes out, "Anderson? Already on the ice are we? You're early!"

A few minutes later Anthony strolls out. A small smile paints his face. He steps onto the ice and glides into me and coach's direction.

We ran through our routine for the competition this upcoming Saturday. Coach helped us clean it up. I swear the polishing of this dance is more work than learning it in the first place.

Throughout the years of us figure skating together, Anthony has never had a girlfriend. He says he's waiting to find someone special in college. He's 18 now, and has already been accepted into the college of his dreams for medicine.

I, on the other hand, have had a boyfriend in high school. But he broke up with me for giving more attention to Anthony than I did to him. He also didn't like me being around Anthony and thought something would come of us being partners. It never did.

Anthony lifts me into the air for the finale for our routine. He gently sets me down for us to finish the dance off with us spinning and drifting away from each other.

My coach claps and gives a thumbs up. This was our last practice before our performance because of coach Carl's personal life. He's a busy man apparently.

"It looks like our time is up, the hockey players have already made their way into the locker room. I know you guys will do great Saturday!" Coach Carl smiles.

"Why do figure skaters and hockey players have to share the ice?" I sarcastically growl.

Anthony's eyes light up, "I actually really like hockey. I'm staying to watch them practice, care to join me?"

Anthony has never really paid any interest to me outside of figure skating practice through the years, so I thought I'd give it a try, "Sure."

After we changed out of our figure skates, I sat with him on the bleachers outside of the glass parading around the ice rink. The players entered the rink with energy like no other. They were between the ages of 17 and 18.

While they practiced, Anthony explained hockey to me. I've never heard him talk this much, let alone to me. He must like hockey.

He explained how his dad is a hockey coach at the college he got accepted to. When I asked if that was on purpose, he replied it was just a coincidence.

I watched as the hockey players glided on the ice just as we did. They didn't sharp turns and weaved between each other. When I turned to look at Anthony, his eyes shimmered with amusement.

When the practice was over, Anthony grabbed my hand.

"I have to be honest with you." he began.

My eyes furrowed, "What's up?"

"This is going to be my last year figure skating."

My heart dropped to my stomach. It was expected because we are graduating in a few months and it's time for us to go our separate ways, but I really thought this would work out. It didn't, and now what am I supposed to do.

"I'm going to start playing hockey for college." Anthony continued.

I knew it.

"So this upcoming Saturday is our last time skating together?" I pondered.

"I guess so." he smiled short, sympatheticly.

"Does coach know?"

"He's known for 2 weeks now." Anthony admitted.

I removed my hand from his and scooted away from him on the bleachers.

"Why do you suddenly want to play hockey?" I questioned him.

Anthony thought over his words for a bit before sighing and telling me the truth, "I loved figure skating for years, but it's time for some change. I love being on the ice but figure skating has lost its spark for me. I want something more upbeat and competitive. Hockey speaks to me."

That hurt. Figure skating has lost its spark for him? Is it my fault?

I silently nodded, "It's your life, live a little am I right?"

Anthony clapped his hands and stood up, "That's what I'm saying!"

He was oblivious as to how empty I would be without him.


Thanks for reading! Be sure to comment and vote! Much appreciated and I want to see y'all's insight! <3

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