Chapter 4 | Agreeing to the Game

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The biology building is huge at Williams University, and I'm usually out of breath just getting to my next class. There's a lake on campus that we use for samples in class, and a lot of the time I go there outside of class just to think.

I'm still figure skating, but I'm without a partner. I didn't want to get my heart broken again.

I head out the doors of the bio building to walk to my dorm. Campus is quite small and it's honestly easier to just walk.

Behind me I hear a familiar voice, "Lydia! What are your plans for the weekend? I have an idea."

It's Jayda Evens, one of my 2 roommates. All three of us are majoring in Biology, and we live in the sciences dorm together.

"What is it?" I ask, readjusting my backpack.

"What if we went to Kimberly's hockey game tomorrow night? Just you, me and Christine. My brother is on their team, and I enjoy watching hockey."

Christine is our other roommate. She's quiet most of the time but extremely smart. Christine is a year older than me and Jayda. She's actually graduating this year.

"We would have to ask her, are you sure she'd be interested in going to something like that? And besides, I haven't been to a hockey game in ages."

I was trying to talk Jayda out of inviting me, because my ex figure skating partner goes to that college, but I can't tell Jayda that.

I don't want to be reminded of what I lost.

But maybe if I went I wouldn't recognize him, and he wouldn't recognize me. It's been three years after all.

"You know what, sure." I add.

Jayda smiled, "Great! I'll meet you back at the room later tonight, and wear something spicy."

I nod in response before continuing my trek towards my dorm. I put in my earbuds and zipped up my long jacket. I really did miss Anthony. Maybe we could meet again and make up. I had a crush on him even back then.

But then again, what if he found someone else?


I finished my homework and dressed in some long straight blue jeans with a cozy cropped black. sweatshirt. I wore my long white jacket to keep me warm in the freezing rink.

Christine decided she didn't want to go, but I wasn't going to let it stop me from having a good night.

Jayda wore Kimberly University sweatpants with a white crop top and her black jacket. We got into her green Volkswagen bug and began the drive over to Kimberly.

Driving through the city we got some evening coffee and shared a personal sized pizza. It was quite the combo but was definitely worth it.

As we left the city we went down an old highway that led to the forest surrounding Kimberly. I've never been to the campus before, I've only heard of it because of Anthony.

We paid the parking fee and parked far away from the stadium to avoid traffic afterwards. I could see the surrounding dorms from where we were standing and tried to guess in my head which one Anthony would stay in.

Walking up to the entrance of the stadium I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach. Like I was excited to finally see him again.

We sat in our seats which ended up being 5 rows from the glass, so, pretty close. The lights darkened and a single spotlight turned on to introduce the players. They warmed up on the ice doing laps around their side of the rink.

The goalies came out onto the ice and went against the boards to do pre game stretches which included doing the splits. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be underneath those legs.

One of the two goalies got up and made his way to the net. The back of his jersey read "Vernon". My heart came up through my throat. It was really him, and he's gorgeous!

"You're getting googly eyes, who?" Jayda smirked.

She has no idea that I know who Anthony is, "Vernon, the goalie." I smiled.

It was so weird referring to him as his last name, but it would be so suspicious if Jayda knew I knew his first name.

"Omg you're right, he's smokin!" Jayda leaned on her knees to look forward and get a better look.

"No! He's mine!" I joked, giving Jayda a playful shove.

The game started and Anthony had my full attention. I watched him snag every puck thrown at him. He was once again my whole world.

"Look at that defense player next to Vernon, Monroe." Jayda brought up, "What do you think of him?"

"I'm not even looking at anyone else girlie." I laughed.

Jayda leaned close to me and whispered, "Well I think we should try to find their party after the game, I want to meet Monroe."

My eyes widened, "Seriously? Honey it's not that easy to go unnoticed by campus security. You must be desperate."

"You're right on that one, but just look at the way he pins those players against the boards. I can't help but imagine what-"

"Jayda!" I playfully scream.

She gives me the look that says "Come on"

I shake my head no and she huffs and goes back to watching the game. My eyes are still glued to Anthony.

The game ends 2-1. It was very well matched.

Me and Jayda head back to Williams University and carefully open the door to our room at 1am. Christine was waiting for us.

"You two look like you're getting up to some dirty shit." She comments.

Jayda laughs, "Not yet, but we will be."

I place my hands over my eyes, "In your dreams."


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