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I just don't see a point in it.
Like life is already so sad?
Why do even anime's
Need to be sad?

Like it's not even real
Life based?
Just make it happy??

I get it guys.
I'll help you two make
A happy anime when we
Grow up.


Btw where's Jungkook?

Idk who even told him to
Go all different than us and
Take science.
He's always in his books now.

Fr tho.
I'm concerned he won't
Ever get a gf this way.

Why are U concerned?

I can't be friends with

Very judgmental of you.



Um, guys?

Tf jungkook this is a virtual
Shit, why you tryna CALL us
To get our attention?

Ignore him it's his time of the
Month. What were you
Saying Jungkook?

I think I lost my virginity
Last night.

Watching the eldest of the group begin panicking in the group chat, Jungkook laughs and switches his phone off. Fortunately, he still had a small group of four friends unlike what could be expected out of him as someone who remained in his own vibe the majority of the time.

Clasping his english book in his right arm and having his left hand stuffed in his pockets, he makes his way through the rather unusual corridor (since he never really has to use this one) that led to the detention room.

VY Highschool was quite an acknowledged one in that part of Korea, having 18% of their country's top students residing from that school.

At least that's the only thing Jungkook's parents had in mind when they got his admission there.

But as he grew up here, the hidden secrets revealed day by day.

Students here were quite open about not only the theoretical part of sex education but also practical. And he's reminded about it as he walks through the corridor, catching sights of 3-4 couples making out in front of the lockers. But no one passing by pays attention to them, considering it was a 'nothing out of the usual' for them.

However the no-compromising rules with their education did give some of them like Jungkook —who don't fully partook in the provided liberty of having sex— a reason to not complain about this to their parents and prioritize their education.

Expecting the detention room to be empty when he opened it (considering the students usually use the room for studying at weekends with the excuse of having detention at home) he's caught off guard catching the sight of the same person he saw first thing this morning, being the only one in class and sitting casually on the first seat.

"Hey, Jungkook." Taehyung spoke, not sparing him a glance as he appears too focussed on typing away on his phone.


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"Come have a seat

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"Come have a seat." The boy spoke, pulling the chair beside his' and stuffing his phone back in the bag that was kept scattered on the floor.

"Um, c-can I say something?" Cautiously Jungkook spoke as he took the offered seat. He was never good at distinguishing between smells. But whatever fragrance surrounded Taehyung definitely made him take one deep breath.

"It's about last night again, isn't it?" Laying his left hand flat on the desk and letting his head fall on it, Taehyung gives 'duh' glance to the nervous boy beside him. "I knew you must be having more questions, which is why we're talking right now."

"I just," Jungkook paused. "Why did you agree to have sex with me?"

"This guy I was seeing ditched me. And I usually end up making out with nerdy boys when I feel sad."

"W-we didn't just make out though, right?"

"You, escalated things, Jungkook. Don't blame me."


"Yes, you." Taehyung nodded. "Gum?" The guy then pops a mint chewing gum in his mouth, offering a new one to Jungkook who shyly denies his offer. Sitting near him was already challenging his sanity. Any further interaction might only break him completely.

"I-I'm sorr—"

"What for?" Taehyung laughed, blowing a small bubble before popping it. "You were the best sex I've had in a whole while."

Jungkook was beat red.

"You get really confident when you're drunk. I don't know if that's the real you, or this shy personality of yours."

After a while, Taehyung stands up. As if he was meant to follow him, Jungkook hesitantly copies him. Wordlessly, he follows Taehyung like a lost puppy until the two now stood beside the teacher's table. Back leaning against the wooden desk and eyes viewing the greenery outside the window right ahead of them.

"You can get any girl you want if you started being that confident in school as well, you know that?" The Kim Taehyung suggested. "Or a boy."

"T-thank you?"

". . .Hey, Jungkook?"


With confident steps, Taehyung now stood in front of him.

"Do you want to escalate things, again?"

"Do you want to escalate things, again?"

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