Chapter 1: Car Crash

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Somewhere up in the snowy mountains, a car was driving along a path that contained a family of three. In the back seat, a little 8 year old girl was playing on an iPad and had a robot toy that looked like a living hairball next to her.

On her screen, she was feeding the toy through an app on her iPad. When she fed him some cherries on the app, the toy next to her made a farting noise.

"Mmm! Jelly berries make me feel good!"

The little girl giggled at the toy and went back to look at her screen.

"Cady look. We're almost to the top of the mountain." Her mom told her. "Can you see the hotel?"

Cady looked out the window of the car and saw a large building sitting at the top of a giant mountain.

"Ooh, we'll that's interesting. Do you know what else is interesting?" The toy farted again. "Oopsie-Daisy!"

Cady's mom Nicole looked to her husband Ryan. "I thought we were gonna limit screen time to 30 minutes a day."

"What are you telling me for? I didn't give it to her."

"I'm just saying, I think—Cady can you turn it down please?" She asked her daughter. "I think if we make rules we need to stick to them."

"If she wasn't on that, she'd be climbing all over the seats." Ryan pointed out.

"So you would rather she sat there feeding a virtual toy food until it shits itself? Cady turn it down." Nicole requested again.

"I already did turn it down." Cady told her.

"What was my sister thinking?"

"'It's my nieces birthday. I'm gonna get her a  present.'" Ryan guessed.

Nicole scoffed. "She works for the company that made them. She probably didn't even have to pay for shipping. Honestly, what is the purpose of a toy if you have to play with it on an iPad?"

Ryan shrugged. "This is what the future looks like, okay? You just have to get used to it."

The car suddenly slid around on the road, jostling everyone up and making Cady's toy fall to the floor of the car.

"Oh my god!"

"It's okay, we're alright." Ryan reassured.

"We should've put chains on the car."

"Neither of us knew that was a thing until like, ten minutes ago, okay? Don't act like it's my fault."

The car slid again.

"Oh my god! Ryan! Seriously!"

"What do you want me to do, huh?"

"Mom, I dropped Leroy."

"Why did you tell that guy at the gate this was a four wheel drive?"

"Because I thought it was. It looks like a four wheel drive."

Just then, Cady unbuckled her seat belt to retrieve her toy.

"Cady, what are you doing?"

"Cady, Cady. Jesus Christ!"

"Cady, put your seatbelt on!"

Nicole reached over into the back seat, and pushed Cady back into her seat and buckled her in.

Snow started to fall, making it hard to see straight ahead.

"I can't see anything."

"So stop moving!"

Ryan stopped the car, and they both sighed. "We can't just sit here in the middle of the road."

Nicole took a deep breath. "Look, we'll wait for this to clear, and then find some place to pull over and just wait for one of those snow trucks to clear the road."

"Yeah, how long is that gonna take?" Ryan asked.

Apparently it would only take about two seconds, because that's how long it took for a snow truck to appear and ram into their car.


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