Chapter 11: Rising Suspicions

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At home, Cady, Gemma, (Y/n) and M0RGAN sat at the kitchen table, all very tense and quiet about the whole ordeal.

"Look, I don't want you to be thinking about this too much tonight." Gemma said, handing. Cady a glass of water. "Obviously, what happened is a terrible, terrible, tragedy. But just know that that boy is in, um...that boy is in a better place now."

Cady nervously picked up her glass of water and took a sip from it. She placed it down on the table, next to the coaster. (Y/n) and Gemma didn't fail to notice how M0RGAN didn't make her use the coaster.

"...Anyway, if there's anything you wanna tell us that you didn't want to tell the police officers..." (Y/n) hinted.

"I didn't see anything." Cady insisted. "M0RGAN just said Brandon took him and ran off. Right M0RGAN?"

"In a nutshell." M0RGAN confirmed.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on their door. Gemma and (Y/n) got up to answer it, and saw the same officer that Gemma had called on Celia when Dewey bit Cady.

"You haven't seen her dog, have you?" The officer asked.

Gemma and (Y/n) shook their heads. "No."

"Bullshit!" Celia yelled from the driveway.

"Ma'am, you need to stay on your property like we agreed." He reminded her, then he turned back to the two girls. "Nobody's seen him since the incident with your niece."

"A little suspicious, don't you think?" Celia yelled again.

"Hey, we didn't do anything to your dog!" (Y/n) shouted back.

"Don't lie to me, you bitch!" Celia insulted.

Gemma placed a protective arm across (Y/n) and pushed her back slightly. "Hey! Don't talk to her like that!" She looked to the officer. "Are we really gonna go with her side of the story? Have you been inside her house? If you had, you'd know that that dog is probably dead under a pile of Victorian baby strollers."

"You should talk to the butler that they have." Celia suggested. "The one who's always looking out the window at 3:00am!"

"He's not a butler he's a toy." Gemma corrected.

The officer peeked in the house and saw M0RGAN. "That's a toy? Are you serious?"

"Well, I mean, technically he's more than that..." (Y/n) said.

M0RGAN's lips twitched upwards.

"But yeah, we'll let you know if we see anything." She promised.

The officer nodded. "Alright."

Gemma closed the door and the two of them sat back down at the table.

"Does she think we took Dewey?" Cady asked.

Gemma sighed. "Oh, who knows? She just needs someone else to blame, but she'll get over it."

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