Chapter 3: Dad's Locked Room

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Ethan rambles on about how careful they should be while entering a haunted house. It's his thing to on about ghost and conspiracy theories mentioned to him by his dad who used to be a priest overseas in the Middle East. Egypt has always fascinated Ethan. His father studied there for years while Ethan was still young. However, some knowledge stuck with Ethan. Most importantly the stories of his father doing exorcisms"

"Do we know anything about the family who died there?" Ethan asks Sarah. "I mean, I heard there was multiple."

Sarah shakes her head. "Only about the The Walters Family from the 1800s."

"What about the last family to live there?" Ethan asks. "Wouldn't the most recent updates be better?"

"Oh," Sarah raises an eyebrow. "We didn't consider that. Maybe we should do some research."

Ethan runs his hands through his curly hair and turns to Lisa. "Hey Lisa, I've been thinking about something fascinating lately. What if we try to find a ghost and actually talk to them? I dad does it. I've seen him do it and I think know how to go about this."

Lisa looks at him then turns to Sarah. She snickers, thinking about how Ethan is a big dork and how excited he is for wanting to talk to goes. Although she didn't believe they'd actually do it, she entertains the idea"

"That sounds both exciting and a little spooky. But sure, I'm up for an adventure." She smiles then crosses her arms. "How do you suggest we go about finding a ghost oh great ghost hunter?"

"Are you making fun of me?" He asks.

Sarah nudges his arm. "No, she's not." She turns to Lisa and gives her a look of disappointment and mouths the words, "stop."

Ethan pushes his glasses up to his nose then smiles real big. He waves his hands around as he speaks. "Well, first, we should research local haunted places or areas with reported ghost sightings. Or better yet, just see what others post about this place. I mean, not much happens here in Florence. It's a boring place. They must have something out there."

Sarah nods. "Good idea! Does your dad have equipment like EMF detectors or voice recorders?"

Ethan's eyes widen with excitement. "Absolutely! Gathering evidence will be crucial. We can document any strange occurrences we witness and try to capture any EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena). It might also be useful to have a camera to take pictures or record videos. Since we're on the way to my house, I can snag some of my dad's things."

Lisa clasps her hands together. "Woah imagine actually picking up on ghost activity. Or even capturing one on camera. Sick!" The idea seemed scary but interesting to her.

"True, visual evidence can be compelling." Ethan says. "But let's not forget about being respectful and sensitive to the spirits. If we encounter any paranormal activity, we should approach it with an open mind and show respect towards the ghost."

"You're right," Sarah agrees. "We should approach the ghost with kindness and curiosity, rather than fear or skepticism. It's important to create a peaceful and welcoming environment for them to communicate with us."

Lisa stops in her tracks. "Really?" She looks at Sarah. "When did you become a ghost expert?"

"Come on, Lisa. You know Ethan and I have been friends since 2nd grade." She smiles at him. "He may of told me a thing or two. Or many. Or obsessed over it and it's all he ever speaks about."

Ethan blushes and rubs the back of his head. "Sorry. Passion is precious. I really like the paranormal world. It's fascinating!"

Lisa looks away to roll her eyes, feeling a little jealousy Ethan is around. "Maybe we can also try using techniques like séances or spirit boards."

Ethan makes a face. "I agree...but we should proceed with caution and have a clear intention of wanting to understand and help the ghost, rather than provoking them."

"You said that already," Lisa responds.

Sarah quickly intervenes. "Agreed, we must be careful not to disturb or offend any spirits we encounter. If we manage to make contact, we should ask respectful questions and give them space to respond. And let's not forget to document everything we experience during our investigations."

You can see the excitement on Ethan's face as he pinches his fingers together. "Definitely! Our findings could contribute to the understanding of the paranormal and help others who are curious about ghosts. Plus, it'll make for some thrilling stories to share!"

Sarah looks at him. "Your dad would be proud." She says sarcastically. "Would he let you borrow some equipment?"

Ethan's smile fades and he looks down at his shoes. "We'll definitely have to keep that part hidden from him."


Lisa, Ethan, and Sarah cautiously approaches Ethan's dad's house knowing he's at work for until the evening. Their footsteps hushed as they move stealthily through Ethan's dads room. Lisa follows closely behind, her heart racing with a mix of adrenaline and a touch of nervousness. Sarah, with her phone in hand, brought up the rear, capturing every moment of this daring adventure.

"Why are you recording us breaking into Ethan's dads room?" Lisa whispers.

Sarah smiles and shrugs. "It's all for the documentary." She jokes.

They reach the closet where Ethan's dad stored his collection of ghost hunting equipment. Ethan skillfully picks the lock, his nimble fingers working swiftly and silently. The door creaks open just enough for them to slip inside, barely disturbing the quietude of the house.

As they step into the dimly lit room, the faint scent of incense filled the air, remnants of Ethan's dad's previous investigations. Shelves line the walls, adorned with an assortment of ghost hunting gadgets, cameras, and recording devices. The room seemed to hold an otherworldly aura, as if the very objects within it were whispering tales of the supernatural.

Lisa's eyes gleam with excitement as she begins searching the shelves, carefully examining each piece of equipment. She hands a high-quality EMF detector to Ethan, who nodded approvingly, knowing it would come in handy during their ghostly encounters. Sarah, capturing the scene with her phone, marveled at the collection, her eyes widening with anticipation.

Their search continues, their hands delicately sifting through the assortment of cameras, night vision goggles, and digital voice recorders. Each piece they discover adds to their anticipation, fueling their determination to uncover the mysteries that awaited them.

Time seems to pass quickly as they gathered the necessary tools for their ghost hunting expedition. Lisa, Ethan, and Sarah exchanged excited whispers, their faces lit up by the eerie glow of the equipment they had acquired.

With their backpacks filled with ghost hunting gear, they quietly close the door behind them, leaving no trace of their presence. The three adventurers stand outside, ready to embark on their ghostly quest, their hearts brimming with anticipation and a sense of awe.

"Let's go." Ethan says.

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