Chapter 15: Wise Words from the Deceased

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Ethan lounges comfortably on the plush sofa, the glow of the television screen casting colors across his face. Beside him, Lisa perches on the edge of her seat, a mix of disturbance and confusion dancing in her eyes. They both decide they need a distraction from what happened with Sarah. They don't feel like thinking anymore.

Sarah watches. Her movements are stiff, her smile a touch too strained, and there's a distant look in her eyes that has become all too familiar to them in recent days.

"You want to play a little?" Ethan gestures a controller to Sarah. "It'll calm your nerves."

Sarah shows Ethan her hand. "Also...I've never really played before," she admits, her voice a monotone that doesn't quite fit the mood.

Lisa and Ethan, look at each other. Sarah hated playing video games that was true but she has played before. The three settles in, with Lisa and Ethan playing on the floor and Sarah on the couch.

Sarah begins regretting what she had done. How could she almost ruin her freedom in a rage of anger. She didn't mean too. She couldn't stand no one listening to her. She thought had done everything right but it was all wrong. She looks at Lisa and Ethan who are more focused on gaming than her in that moment.

Worried about ruining her new life, she turns to her friends. "Guys, I need your help," Sarah blurts out, her voice strained. "I don't know what to do."

Ethan sets his controller down, giving Sarah his full attention. "What's wrong, Sarah? Take a deep breath and tell us what's going on."

Sarah takes a shuddering breath and begins to recount the events of the afternoon. She describes the strange, uncontrollable impulses she's been experiencing, how her thoughts seem to spiral out of her control. Her words spill out in a rush, and Ethan and Lisa listen in growing alarm as she describes how she inadvertently killed her adopted parents' beloved parrot in a moment of overwhelming rage.

"I don't know what's happening to me," Sarah confesses, her voice trembling. "I feel like I'm not myself, like there's something inside me that I can't control." Realizing she will never be the like Sarah she tries to convince them she is. "I'm just so glad I have you both. You know? To help me."

Ethan and Lisa exchange a sober glance. They've noticed the subtle changes in Sarah's behavior, the unexplained bursts of aggression and the distant, haunted look in her eyes. Now, faced with the evidence of Sarah's distress, they hear her out.

"We're here for you, Sarah," Lisa says gently, reaching out to grasp Sarah's hand. "We'll figure this out together. But first, we need to confront what happened with your parents and find a way to make things right."

Sarah nods, her eyes welling with tears. "I don't know if I can face them. How can I look them in the eye after what I've done?"

Ethan leans forward, his expression earnest. "You can start by apologizing, Sarah. They care about you, and they'll understand that something is not right. It's important to take responsibility for your actions."

Lisa nods in agreement. "Ethan's right. I'm sure hey'll want to help you through this. We'll all support you, but you need to take the first step."

Sarah takes a shaky breath, her hands trembling. "Okay. I'll talk to them. But I'm scared of what might happen next."

Ethan considers the situation, his mind racing with possibilities. "Maybe it's best if you stay with one of us for a night, Sarah," he suggests. "We can keep an eye on you and help you. It might give you some space to figure things out without worrying about hurting anyone else."

Sarah's eyes widen with hope. "Do you really think that would help?"

Lisa nods, offering a reassuring smile. "Absolutely. We'll take care of you. You're not alone in this."


A possessed Sarah tosses and turns, haunted by unsettling dreams. Images of her deceased parents lingerers, whispering warnings. They urged her to a chilling thoughts: her friends must perish, or the truth of would be revealed.

How could she harm them? They seem to love her so much. The weight of her  secret pressed upon her fragile soul, tearing at her conflicted heart. Each passing minute brought the specters of her parents closer, their demands growing more insistent and menacing.

Sarah shuts her eyes right and focuses on her thoughts. She whispers. "Mom, Dad, I can't do this. I can't hurt my them. They're my friends. I never had friends. You and father never let me have friends. Why should I have to kill them?" Why?"

Both her parents respond. Together. Hissing whispers all around her. Two voices, repeating the same words. Aurabelle, you must listen to us. If they discover your secret, your spirit will be jeopardized. You could be imprisoned forever or worse. Don't you like being a part of the world again? See what we've done for you. You'll never ever die!"

"We don't want that for you, Aurabelle. You have to protect yourself, even if it means making difficult choices. How will you live on? You don't have much time. You know what the book says about possessing a living human body. Remember? They don't let you stay long until you feed them. Just like your friend...Ethan. How do you think he's alive?"

"Please," Sarah says. "Don't."

Both deceased parents laugh sinisterly. "He East's just like us. You know. And we know." They laugh even more. "He's not so innocent either, Aurabelle.

"But they trust me. They love me. How can I betray them like this?"

"Sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good. It's the only way to ensure your safety and freedom. Have we taught you nothing! Your sister would've help us be free of that wicked house. We would all have roamed together but you left us! You are truly a disgrace. Can't even help your own blood."

Wicked moans fill the space around Aurabelle making her body shake and shiver.

"But you both didn't love me. You both said I'd be okay now look at me. You promised me safety now look at me. I'm not even in my own body!"

A light turns on in the living room. It's Ethan, standing there. But he's not facing her. His back is turned to her. However, demon, the eyeless spirit glares at her while it holds Ethan.

"Aurabelle." It says in a slow and low dark voice. "I have something for you to do."

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