- ̗̀✎ Meeting Everyone

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I got out of my car, locking it after closing my door.

I go up to the houses front door and knocked 3 times.

Tara opened the door and invited me in with a sweet smile. When I walked in, I was faced to 4 men and 2 women.

Tara: "Okay, guys, this is y/n!"

Tara said as I stood awkwardly and waved. Although all of the people in the room were beautiful and kind some kind of intimidating, one caught my eye. He had long black hair with bangs that swooped to the side.

Something you would see in 2014.

He had pale skin and a stronger jawline.

Black and red eyeshadow covered his eyes, along with black painted nails.

He wore black and red skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance shirt, covered with a dark red flannel.

I continued to glance and stare at him, but then looked at the rest, realizing he was also looking at me.

Tara: "Don't be fucking rude! Introduce yourselves."

Tara joked in and rolled her eyes.

Kris: "Hi y/n, I'm kris!"

Y/N: "Hey Kris."

I responded softly, with a calm smile.

Kris was slim with pretty short red hair. She was wearing tight high-waisted shorts and a blue crop top. Her smile was beautiful.

Colby: "I'm Colby, and this is Sam."

He smirked at me and looked me up and down, giving off a vibe of romance. Colby was attractive. His hair was short and sat in front of his face. It appeared a faded black color.

He seemed to have a nice structure. His hands were nice, he had rings that matched his darker style.

Colby wore a black wife beater and red skinny jeans.

I smiled at him and looked at the man he was pointing at.

Sam had about the same body type. His hair was shaved on the sides, unlike Colby. His hair also sat in front of his face. His hair was blonde.

Sam wore pink camo cargo pants and a grey shirt with flowers.

Jake: "I'm Jake, and this stinky emo is Johnnie."

I giggled at the small description and waved at them with a smile.

Johnnie was the male with a mcr shirt. He smirked at me with calm eyes and waved shortly.

Jake smiled at me widely.

Jake had long, fluffy, black hair. He had a sweet smile and seemed like a funny guy.

He wore black pants with white stitching and a black shirt with a white graphic design skull. Pairing with a chain and dic necklace.

And finally. The last person walked up quickly to me and held their hand out.

Celina: "I'm Celina!"

I shook her hand and smiled at her. Her energy was happy and comforting. She seemed like such an amazing person to be around.

Celina was on the chubby side and had beautiful long black hair. Her eyes paired with her lashes were beautiful and her smile was bright.

Celina wore a plain black dress that was covered with a moss green, ripped overdress. What really caught my eye was how well her knee-high shoes fit with the outfit.

After meeting everyone, I sat down in a seat between Tara and Celina. They all chatted, me, sometimes joining.

I noticed Johnnie looking over at me while we all talked, but I didn't may any mind.

Kris: "Wait, when are we going to the party?"

Tara: "When the party bus gets here, duh!"

Tara said casually.

Jake: "Party bus?"

Jake slightly shouted in question.

Tara: "It's about an hour ride, we aren't being boring and sitting in a car!"

Tara defended herself. A party bus seemed fun.

We all continued to talk, topic from topic.

Johnnie randomly insulted Jake, Colby and Sam would make conversations about places they have been with Tara. Kris, Celina, and I all joked with each other and got to know each other.

After Kris made a joke about Celina, Celina laughed.

Her laugh was unexpected and I laughed. Her laugh was silly and I loved it.

Suddenly, Celina went serious and looked at me.

Celina: "I... sleep walk."

Kris laughed, and I giggled. She pulled out her phone and scrolled.

She pointed her phone towards me, showing me a video of her sleep walking.

Y/n: "Do you always record yourself sleeping?" I asked, laughing.

Celina: "Only after I found out a sleep walk." She told me, letting put a laugh.

Tara: "Get your asses up, the bus is here."

Tara said excitedly and sassy like.

We all got up and walked to the bus, laughing and talking.

Music was playing, and the only light source on was colored.

I was last in, it looked comfortable, but Jake layed on one whole couch, leaving Sam at his feet, Kris, Celina, and Colby on one other couch, and Johnnie and Tara on another.

I sat between Tara and Johnnie.

After a while of singing, drinking, and Tara dancing, Jake offered a cigarette.

I wasn't sure to, but I accepted. We were all buzzed, so might as well.

Jake and I shared the cigarette, soon, Johnnie asked too.

We were all laughing and having a good time.

Tara was dancing in her seat, pushing me. I kept slightly bumping into Johnnie. His leg touched mind, our shoulders touching as well.

Tara bumped me harder and I bumped Johnnie harder.

Y/n: "Shit, sorry Johnnie!"

I shouted over the music and giggled. Johnnie laughed after me and shouted back

Johnnie: "It's alright"

Johnnie himself was attractive, and now his voice and laugh is too?

Tara danced more aggressively, and I jokingly pushed her. She laughed and pushed me back into Johnnie.

I laughed and sat back up correctly.

After a while, Tara was just about drunk.

Johnnie: "Tara is an alcoholic by the way!"

He shouted, loud enough for her to hear.

I laughed and he smiled

Tara: "Johnnie! No I'm not!"

She shouted back, laughing and trying to act serious.

Jake side eyed Tara and laughed as Tara noticed the look.

Johnnie and I laughed and talked.

If this is so much fun, imagine the actual party.

<1031 words

Rushed one, but I will hopefully get the next part very soon, even though this is just starting, I do have other things in the real world, so I can't update very hour yk. But I will hopefully get next chapter soon :)>

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