- ̗̀✎ Princess.

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Jake and Johnnie finally arrived.

Tara and I ran to them.

Tara: "Happy birthday!"

Y/N: "Happy birthday, Johnnie!"

Johnnie: "Thank you."

He said with a smile.

Tara: "Jake, go put the gift on the counter."

Johnnie: "Wait, who else got gifts?"

He asked, concerned.

Y/N: "Just us, Kris, Celina, Sam, and Colby."

Johnnie: "Oh, alright.

Tara: "You guys are late, so let's just get the cake and sing happy birthday."

Johnnie: "Alright."

Tara and I hurried, but Johnnie moved at a slower pace. I went back to him and took his hand. He smiled and sped up to my pace as we caught back up with Tara.

We pulled out a chair from my kitchen island, and he sat down. Tara went to the fridge.

Tara: "Y/N! Come here!"

I went to Tara and leaned in so I could hear her.

Tara: "Which cake do we bring out first?"

Y/N: "The emo one. Then we can put the tiara and stuff on and you will take out the princess cake."

Tara: "Perfect."

Tara: "Okay! Everyone, it's time to sing happy birthday!"

She yelled out. I knew Tara could be loud, but never that loud. Everyone looked over and started to gather around Johnnie.

I walked back to the island that Johnnie sat at and stood across from him. A face I recognized stood next to me with her phone out. It was Alyssa, from the first party I went to with Tara.

I was going to say hi, but I saw Tara about to bring out the cake. Alyssa pressed 'record, " Tara came over very slowly with the cake that had multiple little lit candles.

She started.

Tara: "Happy bir.."

Everyone else joined, including me.

Everyone: "...thday to you. Happy birthday to you.."

As we all sang, I noticed Johnnie sitting there awkwardly. He looked at me, and I smiled, trying not to laugh.

Everyone: ".. Johnnie. Happy birthday to you."

As we all ended, Tara sat the cake in front of him. Johnnie realized and looked away, laughing. He covered his face while he laughed.

Johnnie: "Is that me!?"

Tara: "Obviously! Look at you and look at it!"

People around laughed.

Y/N: "Okay, seriously, though."

I eyed Tara to get the cake. As she walked away, I grabbed the princess stuff. Tara carefully brung the large box that held the cake to Johnnie. She set it down and turned Johnnie to face me.

He looked at my hands to see all of the stuff.

Johnnie: "What the fuck!?"

He laughed and smiled brightly.

Y/N: "Trust the amazing process!"

He smiled, and I handed him the tiny dress.

Johnnie: "What!?"

Not So Easy. Johnnie Guilbert × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now