Chapter 4 

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Chapter 4: Tutorial

Aislinn hasn't always been the strongest woman in Futuramous. Not like her pesky younger twin sister Eirian who has the brutal dominance of an assassin or... more or less, a ninja which, that is exactly what she is. As Aislinn works for the governor as a secret agent, Aislinn is an elf hybrid bard for the city of Garth. Although she is only a level 1 at the age of 28. No one dears to underestimate her ability of persuasion, charm, a battle. Again, when people think of level one, people instantly assume that she must be weak but how wrong a person must be when they do attempt to attack her. With her bard class, she is able to duplicate her stats by the string of her electric guitar. Her choice of instrument isn't just eye candy with its copper red glow with flames dancing off the edges of her guitar. It is actually soul bonded to her and when she is playing, fighting, and singing, as her hair is a normal wavy copper red, when she gets ready for any of those events, her hair turns to a brighter ruby color with sparks flying off like ambers coming off of a campfire but, for her sister who also has copper hair, her hair turns into a velvet blue when fighting unless sneaking, she can camouflage her hair to near black color depending on her environment including her clothing which, she taught Aislinn to do just like how Aislinn taught her sister how to be charming to disguise her cover so she can get closer to her objective. Together, they learn how to become the most opposite set of identical twins in all Futuramous including in person back in the real world and today, Aislinn has another plan to surprise a good old friend that she hasn't seen in Garth for 10 years. Yeah, she sees her out of Futuramous, but that isn't the same. Now, for her plans for her beloved sister, though she isn't weak, she knows that being in the middle of the square of the city like New York City, she hasn't been the subtlest type of woman driving the men mad by her gorgeous frame by her perky breasts, slim hips, round ass, and pretty face with her bright green memorizing hazel eyes and so, denying most of their suggestive advances, she can't help feel the comfort of her sister having her back so she wouldn't be feeling like someone is trying to assassinate her especially a psychopathic fan who has already been denied.

    Making her way downtown walking fast through the crowd from a note that she has been given by someone anonymous which, she wouldn't usually trust because shady people are shady people and that normally calls out trouble but, she knows that perfume anywhere that has been placed on that note because she has hung with them since they've been children but wanting to come to the center of Garth in the square confuses her because she has told her that she does not want to be recognized as her former self but fortunately after dying for the first time those many years ago, people cannot really recognize her from what they are use to because instead of blue hair, she went with her generic black with red taking the right side of her hair, and instead of her normal dark stormy blue eyes, she turned them to an amber color to match the red in her hair but, that isn't the only thing that has changed. So, has her clothing style because wearing those revealing dresses that she loves wearing to capture people's attention needed to change because since her lost so many years ago, she's afraid that she would catch those people's attention and be reminded of her failure. So now, she wears a black leather vest that has silver gems that covers her D cups with black leather pants that slips on her like her body suit capturing her body while still giving people the imagination of what's underneath. What has been her name of Lady Lynn, now just Cassady, she works for a rundown bar that has a fighting arena for the drunk bastards who has to much ego and testosterone and most times... those absolute fools normally fight because they want to show her what a real man is like and then, the other guy wants to show his might too. So, by fighting, they feel and they think if they show how strong they are and that they are worthy for her in their bedroom, she would choose them when the truth is that she just loves the violence then after when they beat the living crap out of one another, because 9 out of 10, they're too passed out drunk to even remember to claim their prize or even if that person has not been knocked out, she would just tell them that they are too bloody for her to come back with them so she has an excuse so she wouldn't go with them. If they do try to mess with her by forcing her to come back home with her, she would simply knock the living shit out of them and what makes her different from her childhood friend, she always practices even though she would not be joining the yearly tournaments especially this year one because of obvious reasonings but, being a level 50B and being given a special skill called(hide.) It causes those who tries to evaluate her name, her skills, her age, and her attributes to be hidden from prying eyes except for S caps which long forgotten king and the new lord of Garth prince Flinn do not have. To be honest, the reasons why she started to fight, she wanted to be the Amazon of everything steel is because of her past. As a little girl, her mother never loved her much, her father never stayed in touch and so, she had to learn how to survive while being humble. No, she didn't become resilient in her own ways where everyone was just a waste of air but, she did get herself into trouble with the law at the age of 10 because she never knew how to love, how to trust, nor how to open up. Not until she met Aislinn and her twin sister Eirian in grammar school that her mother placed her in which was the only good thing that her mother had done for until she abandons her on the streets of Massachusetts. Growing up while going through high school although she kept moving from foster care to foster care until she was 18. She has always kept up with the twins because they were like family to her. Always allowing her to come over for breakfast and dinner, allow her to sleep over, and even allow her to take a shower when most families do not like wasting money for their water bill for a rat on the street. When she first heard of a new virtual world called Futuramous. The only way of finding a place to join this world was at her local arcade but once she was able to join though she had to pay about $25 she instantly joined up for tournaments and really quickly, she became so good and so talented, even the manager gave her the virtual goggles for free whenever she came to his facility because she was bringing a lot of money into his company. When she was finally able to afford to purchase the gear before they became extremely simple just allowing the user to put this silver bandana and silver wristband on, she continued to dominate each opponent but she wasn't given her title of Amazon of everything steel until she went against one of the uprising A class warriors who was underneath prince Flinn. After beating him with her double head Katana, everyone feared and loved her because every time she would win, she would donate to different facilities such as breast cancer awareness, Red cross, for the deaf and blind, and miner companies she could find but if anyone should fight her, she would beat their ass within 30 seconds and that's why people feared her.

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