Ch 2 The church

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The girl (7)

The boy (8)

The funeral was a somber occasion, filled with sadness and grief. The people gathered around the coffin, their faces wet with tears, their voices filled with sorrowful words. As the priest spoke, the people cried out in mournful tones, the atmosphere heavy with grief. 

The funeral procession moved slowly, as if to allow the people time to grieve. It was a moving occasion, and those who attended would never forget it. 

It was unnerving to watch. 

The people were standing in front of the casket, their eyes tearfully gazing at the couple within. The facade of grief covered up the unfeeling look in their eyes, the blank gaze of someone trying hard to seem sad, but failing. They stood among other people, all who were not genuinely mourning as well, and it made the difference very striking and unsettling. 

As the casket was lowered into the ground, the people all bowed their heads in a silent show of respect. The priest spoke a final blessing, and the people bowed their heads in a solemn prayer. The casket slowly descended into the earth, the dirt covering it up and bringing it to rest. The people stood in silence, their faces wet with tears as they said goodbye to their loved ones. The casket was laid to rest, the final goodbye was said by Fyodor, who closed his eyes in a silent prayer. 

The girl was watching her parents, who seemed oddly happy. Her parents had a slight smile trying its best to not become visible. It was a struggle to hold it back, as if even the slightest hint of a grin would reveal their true mood. Her parents were trying very hard to keep it under control, and the strain was evident on their face. Despite their efforts, that small flicker of a smile was just visible, hinting at their true feelings toward the situation. 

It seemed to reveal that her parents did not take it as seriously as they should, or that they were secretly enjoying it. Their slight expressions were a stark contrast to the atmosphere around them. The girl was confused, wondering what could make them so happy during such a heavy-hearted occasion. As she watched, she noticed a slight sparkle in her father's eyes, something that made her feel uneasy. 

She would soon find out the reason. 

The funeral wrapped up without a hitch. But the girl now knew why her parents were so giddy about the funeral of their friends. Fyodor's parents. Her parents had become guardians for the boy, that meant all the money belonged to them for the time being. 

At least until Fyodor was of age. 

They were always so nice to him, always looked relaxed and happy, and never angry with the boy. It was weird, because she always felt a bad feeling whenever the boy was near. However, it was fine to keep everything a secret about the boy and his parents, but being around the boy still made her uncomfortable. 

When they were alone, she always felt like she was in danger. 

She was the only witness to his perfect crime. 

Almost perfect crime. 

The sky was dark and the wind was still, the only sound being the occasional creak of the furniture. It was quiet, and it felt like everyone was asleep. The only light came from the moon, illuminating the darkness of night. But there was one more light. 

A lamp. 

The lighting was soft, and it gave the room a warm atmosphere. The room was a place where she could just relax and forget about everything else for a while. Her room was like that before Fyodor had to sleep in it. 

Her room was a medium-sized room, filled with various pieces of furniture. There was a cozy-looking sofa, a soft bed, some bookcases, and a coffee table in the center. It wasn't too big, but it wasn't too small either. It was comfortable and familiar, not grand and fancy like the rooms she had seen at the family's funeral. 

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