Ch 3 The family

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The girl (7)

The boy (8)

The girl woke up in a panic, her heart racing and her mind reeling. She sat up abruptly, taking in her surroundings. She was alone in the church, the moonlight shining through the windows and the candles casting a warm glow. 

She was relieved to be away from the boy, but the memory of him still lingers in her mind. She took a moment to catch her breath, trying to regain her composure. 

The panic had subsided, but the girl knew that the situation could easily flare up again if she was in the same environment. She had to get out of the church as soon as possible. 

The girl ascended the stairs slowly, the marble stairs creaking under her weight. As she reached the top, she was greeted by an empty and silent church. She took a moment to soak in her surroundings, the moonlight casting a warm glow over the walls. 

She could hear the sound of her footsteps echoing off the walls, and she felt like she was alone in the world. It was a surreal feeling, and she was glad to have the time to herself. 

She wanted to get out of the church and back to her house. 

The girl looked out the window, noticing that the sun hadn't risen yet. The sky was still dark, but the girl could see the glow of the sun just barely starting to peek through the clouds. It was going to be a beautiful day, and the girl could feel the warmth of the sun even though it wasn't visible yet. 

She knew that the sun was just around the corner, and she was excited to see its light again. But at that moment, she was still in the dark, and the sky was as black as ever. 

The girl quickly made her way back home, her thoughts racing as she imagined what might happen if her father was up. As she walked, the sound of her feet on the cobblestone pavement was loud and distinct, causing her to pause at times and look around nervously. 

She could feel her heart racing as she imagined being caught, the thought making her footsteps even more urgent as she hurried to get back home. At the same time, she knew that she had to be careful not to make too much noise, as that would surely wake the village up. 

The girl looked back at the church for a moment, her thoughts racing. As she stood there, she thought she could see eyes in the church windows, though she wasn't completely sure. It made her feel uneasy, wondering if someone was watching her. 

She knew that it was unlikely that anyone was up, but that sense of uncertainty, that feeling of being watched still hung in the air. She quickly turned away from the windows and made her way back home, the image of the eyes still burned in her mind. 

The girl saw her house in the distance, a small Victorian-looking house that fit in with the quiet and quaint neighborhood. It was painted in a light shade of blue, its front porch looking inviting. The lights were all off, but the girl still made sure to be as quiet as possible as she approached the door. 

She was always taught not to make too much noise at night, and she wanted to make sure that her father stayed asleep. But despite the quiet, the girl felt a sense of warmth in the neighborhood. 

The girl lived in a small neighborhood full of similar-looking houses. The houses all had a similar design, with a small front porch and a big window in the front facing the street. Each house was painted a different color, but they all had a similar aesthetic. 

It was a cozy and quiet place, the houses spaced out enough to provide privacy while also feeling like a community. The houses all looked similar, but each had its own unique feel to it. The girl was proud of where she lived, the neighborhood providing a certain sense of safety and security. Is what the girl would love to say, but she doesn't feel safe there. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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