Chapter 3

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After a few moments, they fluttered open again, and you looked at the man. The reality was beginning to set in, and you sat up slightly, your trembling only escalating.

Was he... dead?

Hesitating for a moment, you examined him, his chest too brutalised to even see if he was breathing. Then you frantically scrambled over, sitting on your knees beside his head as your eyes widened.
One hand went to his bloody neck, attempting to feel a pulse. But it was very apparent he was long gone.

You had just fucking killed someone.

"No.... No, no, no...."

The denial was instant, falling back onto your ass as you felt panic grip you once more. You had just murdered someone. A real person. Someone with a name, a family, a life.
Even if he had just tried to take yours, you could feel tears sprouting to your eyes again despite your exhaustion.
Even if nobody came around this part of the woods, someone would report him missing. They would trace his steps, find his car somewhere near here, and eventually find him.
You would be locked away forever, after trying so hard to survive. All the work you put into it would be wasted just because you had lost control.

"Fuck, no..." You mumbled again, your chest heaving as your hands trembled, scrambling to touch the wall as you heaved yourself onto your feet.

You had to get out of here, find somewhere new. Where nobody would find you. Nobody would believe he tried to kill you first, not when you only had a bruised ankle and thighs to show for it, and he looked like... that.
Your mind shut off as you moved automatically, changing into your previous day clothes and grabbing up a large bag.
Stuffing your sleeping bag and blanket into it, you began tearing the house apart, chucking your favourite book and personal belongings in as well before moving to the kitchen.
You packed aimlessly, not bothering to estimate how much food you would need.
After ransacking your cabin, you ran towards the door, but paused beside your bedroom door. Taking one last, gut-wrenching look at what you had done, you squeezed your eyes shut as you leant down and yanked your knife out of his chest. The squelching noise made you want to vomit.

Then you ran.

And you kept running until your lungs stung, until your throat felt like it was bleeding, until your legs were completely numb. Your mind was so blank yet so loud at the same time, feeling detached from your body as you tried to convince yourself this was just a messed up dream. It felt like you had been running for only a few minutes, but you had been sprinting deeper and deeper into the forest for hours.
Unfortunately, your detachment got the best of you, as you suddenly felt the ground disappear from beneath your feet.

"Shit-!" You exclaimed loudly, your cry echoing through the forest as you fell down a steep hill, landing with a loud thump against the ground before rolling down.

A yelp of agony slipped from your lips as you rolled right into a rock, hitting your hip with a sickening thump. It was numb for a moment as your momentum slowed, leaving you laid staring up at the dark forest.
Then the pain began, an unbearable stinging spreading from your hip like electricity. Groans of pain slipped from your lips, rolling onto your side as you clutched your hip, gritting your teeth in an attempt to distract yourself.

"Fucking hell!" You wailed out, writhing on the forest floor like a dying snake.

"Those are naughty words," a sudden voice cut through the dark, making you shut up and sit up as your body filled with dread again, "you're not supposed to say those, L.J said."

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