Chapter 5

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You had never had a room you could spread out on the floor in, or a bed with a comfortable mattress, and you instantly went into the bathroom to marvel at the running water and flushing toilet.
The interactions with your new housemates and the luxury of the creaky mansion had distracted you from the reality of your situation, but for now, you didn't have to worry about it.

You finally had a place you belonged.


After a long, satisfying shower, you changed into some pyjamas Clockwork let you borrow and got into bed, quickly falling asleep.
It felt like you could have slept for days, exhausted after the absolute week you had. But it was the early morning when you were dragged out of your sleep by three, loud knocks on your door.
Sitting up with a grunt, you blinked your hazy eyes for a few moments, trying to adjust to the sunlight in your room. Then there was another three, impatient knocks, and you groaned as you threw your legs over the side of the bed and stumbled to your feet.

"Coming! Coming... damn..." you called out, running a hand through your tousled hair as you staggered to your door.

Placing your hand on the handle, you steadied yourself before pulling it open, your face contorted as you squinted at who had interrupted your sleep.
There stood someone you hadn't met yet. He was around your age, with skin so pasty he was almost grey, with somewhat wavy, brown hair and dark, unreadable eyes.
He was wearing a brown hoodie with striped sleeves and a greyish blue hood, worn jeans and black converse. But you were unable to make out much else about him, due to his orange goggles and mouthguard that concealed his face.

"You're Y/N?" The man questioned, his voice flat as he stared down at you.

"That's me. Who's asking?" You asked, shifting your weight onto your door as you squinted up at him sleepily.

"Ticci Toby. B-But just Toby is f-f-fine," Toby took a quick glance up and down your frame, and you could see one of his eyes twitching through his tinted goggles, "You don't look... how I expected."

Before you could even react, Toby pushed past you into your room, and took a long look around before moving to your dresser and opening the drawers curiously. Occasionally his head would jerk drastically, causing his neck to crack audibly. As you approached him, you could hear him occasionally mutter to himself, but it didn't seem voluntary. You had never seen someone with Tourettes before, nor had heard of it thanks to your lack of schooling, but honestly you didn't really mind all that much. Or care.

"Satisfied?" You asked grumpily, still irritated you had been woken up so early. Toby slammed your dresser shut and turned to you abruptly, making you take a step back in surprise.

"I was s-s-sent to get you. Uh- you- we need to get you set up and s-shit. Follow me." Toby beckoned you as he walked past you, so quick your drowsy brain was sent spinning.

"Can I change fir-?" You began.

"No." Toby interrupted loudly, already making his way down the staircase.

With an exasperated mutter, you took a quick glance around your room before stepping out, slamming the door behind you. Toby was already out of sight, and you darted after him quickly, not wanting to lose him in this maze of a mansion.
Luckily you caught up pretty quickly despite his fast pace, tailing him down seemingly endless staircases until, finally, you made it to the bottom floor.
Taking a curious glance into the living room, you saw a few creepypastas you hadn't met yet sat on the couch, muttering to one another quietly. As you turned your head back around, you somewhat regretted getting distracted. The desolate kitchen from the day prior was now anything but, familiar and unfamiliar faces alike all making their own breakfast, hanging out or raiding the fridge. There had to be at least eight people in here, and it was only 6 in the morning.

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