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My mother didn't want my Nonna talking about her past. She was adamant that it had nothing to do with my problem and I was getting a bad impression.

But after the conversation with my mother and Nonna's unexpected revelation about her past experiences with magic, my curiosity had been piqued. There was something lingering in the air, something about curses and the dark side of magic that I needed to understand better.

I found Nonna sitting by the fireplace, her gaze lost in the dancing flames. Her eyes held a wisdom that came from years of experience, and I knew I could learn something from her. I took a deep breath and decided to broach the subject.

"Nonna," I began tentatively, "about what you mentioned earlier... the curse and the dark magic. Can you tell me more about it?"

Nonna turned her gaze toward me, her expression a mixture of hesitancy and a strange sadness. It was as if those memories were both haunting and precious.

"You want to know about that?" she asked, her voice a whisper of the past. "It's not a story I've shared often."

"I understand, Nonna, but it might help me understand what's happening with my magic," I replied.

With a deep sigh, Nonna nodded, her eyes filled with memories. "It was a long time ago, Lily. My best friend, Rowen, and I were exploring the boundaries of our magical abilities. She was a powerful witch, much like you, and she had an insatiable curiosity. One day, we came across something forbidden."

Nonna's words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of her memories. I urged her to continue, my curiosity growing stronger.

"We touched the dark side of magic, Lily. It was a place where raw, untamed power resided, and it changed us both. Rowen, she came back different, touched by something potent. After that day, she couldn't stay with us, and she left."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. "What happened to her, Nonna? Where is she now?"

Nonna's eyes held a deep sorrow as she spoke the words that shattered my hopes. "Rowen passed away 23 years ago, Lily. She left this world somewhere in the forest, far from here."

The revelation sent a chill down my spine. I was beginning to understand the darkness and dangers that lurked in the world of magic.

I asked Nonna, "Did you change after your visit to the dark, Nonna? It's just... I've read that any witch who touches the darkness ends up rotting from the inside out."

Nonna looked confused. "No, dear, I don't think I did change."

As she spoke, I couldn't help but think about Rowen, the witch she mentioned earlier. The one who had saved her but left after touching the darkness. It suddenly hit me like a bolt of lightning – could Rowen have been the Nocturnal, and had she survived the darkness because it was a part of her?

"Thanks Nonna," I thank my grandmother for the talk. We both jump out of our seats when Nathaniel barged into the house in a disheveled state. His clothes were torn, and he had traces of blood on him.

"Nate, what the hell, man?!" I yelled, my voice betraying my shock. It had been almost a week since our conversation with Sebastian about the book, and we'd given up on the idea of getting it. But now, here he was, holding the very book we had been searching for.

"Last time we didn't listen, a witch was waiting to get in. I'm not taking the risk," he said, tossing the book in front of me. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was right there in front of me, the object of our talk.

"So, you do your witch stuff, and I'll deal with the consequences."

"Lily!" my grandmother's alarmed voice broke through my daze. I had been so absorbed in the book that I hadn't noticed her approach.

"Lily!" she yelled again, this time gaining my attention.

"That's the book, my biggest mistake," she said, placing it before us. "It's not a book; its a conductive artifact"

"Huh," I mumbled, trying to wrap my head around the revelation. The book, which I had desired so much, was not just a book but a portal. This was more complex and dangerous than I had ever imagined.

Nonna began to explain, "Rowen had something extraordinary about her, a connection with the arcane that transcended conventional witchcraft. She delved into the darkest corners of magic, and it was there she found a forbidden well of power, a force darker and deeper than anything we'd ever known."

I leaned in, captivated by the story. "What did she find, Nonna?"

With a mysterious glint in her eyes, Nonna continued, "It was a cursed relic, known as the 'Eye of Nyctos.' It was rumored to be created by the first witches who delved into the darkest of sorcery. But Rowen, she managed to harness its power without being consumed."

Nonna's words sent shivers down my spine. Rowen's tale was becoming more enigmatic by the moment. "And what did it do?"

"The 'Eye of Nyctos' gave her the power to manipulate shadows, to influence dreams, and even to see the future," Nonna explained.

"This is the Diablerie" I inform confused and signaling to the book. Nonna shakes her head. "That's the Eye of Nyctos, the copy Rowen and I made"

"You made this?" Nathaniel says shocked.

"Didn't think this was a meet and greet, shit" I say equally as shocked.

"Why the hell does everyone say the Diablerie?" I ask confused

Nonna silence is concerning. "Because the Dialerie is the one that comes after"

"Lady you're gonna have to be specific. I don't think we're understanding" Nathaniel points out. I nod in agreement.

"The Dialerie comes after the Nocturnal." She finishes. She looks frightened just saying it.

"But the Nocturnal is a person?" I ask even more confused.

"It's not a person, it's a destiny. A very big one" Nonna says becoming increasingly nervous.

"Rowen was destined to maintain the darkness. Whoever the Dialerie is will rule Havoc" Nonna drops the News to both of us.

"Sybil said she wanted to rule" I point out. Sybil was the Dialerie and that would make sense why she was able to breakdown my Barrier.

I flick my fingers and the book begins to flick through pages. Nathaniel looks weirded out by the sudden activity while Nonna is frowning concerned.

The purple words glow as my fingertips skim the pages and finally it lands on the one I want. The curse Sarah had become victim too.

"Lilian, please be careful this is very dangerous" Nonna pleas. Nonna doesn't ever beg but I wasn't going to let Sarah down.

I shut the book a stand up carrying it. I face Nathaniel. "Let's go to Sarah"

He nods his head opens my front door. I bid goodbye to Nonna and she looks very concerned.

"I'll be fine" I reassure.

"That's what Rowen said before she" I cut her off with a kiss on the cheek. "I got this Nonna"

"I hope you do" She mutters and goes back inside the home.

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