A whole new world

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Donny nods solemnly, his expression filled with understanding. "It makes sense now," he says, his voice tinged with regret. "Matilda was always hesitant to go to your home because she knew your Nonna would recognize her."

I stare at him, the pieces of the puzzle finally falling into place. "So that's why," I murmur, a sense of sadness washing over me.

Donny continues, his voice steady as he explains further. "The spell she used only affected those in this pack," he says. "That's why Matilda put the spell, because she believed there MoonWitch would eventually end up here, just as the prophecy stated."

I feel a chill run down my spine at his words, the weight of the prophecy hanging heavy in the air. Matilda's actions were driven by a belief in destiny, a belief that I would play a key role in the events to come.

As I process Donny's revelation, I can't help but feel a sense of unease. The stakes have never been higher, and now, more than ever, it's clear that the fate of Dark Shadow rests on my shoulders. With a deep breath, I steel myself for the challenges ahead.

I furrow my brow, concern gnawing at my insides. "Where are Sebastian and Nathaniel?" I ask, my voice edged with worry.

Donny's expression darkens as he shakes his head. "I told them I'd be back from the bathroom," he explains, his voice heavy with regret. "But that was just an excuse. It's been an hour."

"Classic." I comment. I decide to open the door located on the far left. It was a room with cluttered antiques.

With a sense of determination, I make my way through the cluttered room, my heart pounding with each step. As I reach the desk, I spot the Diaberie lying there, its pages filled with dark and twisted spells.

"The original" I mutter looking at the pages. Donny looks surprised to have found it.

"We can use it to..." Donny is cut off by the orange hue of flames.

Without hesitation, I reach out and grab the book, feeling a surge of power coursing through me as I hold it in my hands.

But then, with a sudden burst of resolve, I raise my other hand and summon a wave of fire, watching as the book ignites and turns to ash before my eyes.

As the flames consume the Diaberie, a sense of relief washes over me. It's a small victory, but one that feels significant in the face of the darkness that surrounds us.

"Okay, never mind" Donny finishes

With the book destroyed, I turn my attention to the purple stone in my pocket. Pulling it out, I hold it up to the light, examining it closely as I try to figure out its purpose.

The stone is smooth and cool to the touch, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly glow. It's unlike anything I've ever seen before, and as I study it intently, I can't help but feel a sense of awe and curiosity.

What are you?" I murmur, my voice barely above a whisper as I turn the stone over in my hands, searching for any clues as to its origin or purpose.

But as I continue to study the stone, a sense of frustration begins to creep in. Try as I might, I can't seem to unlock its secrets, and with each passing moment, the mystery only deepens.

With a sigh, I slip the stone back into my pocket, knowing that I'll have to keep searching for answers.

Donny gestures excitedly towards a corner of the room. "Lilian, look at this," he says, holding up an old, weathered book. "Since you torched the book, you can use this one."

I hurry over to him, my curiosity piqued. As I examine the book, Donny refers to it as a spell book, but upon closer inspection, I realize he's mistaken. "Donny, this isn't a spell book," I correct him gently. "It's an enchantment book."

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