three. step one

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I DON'T KNOW how Vanessa convinced me to wear what I'm wearing right now, but somehow, she did. In her words, step one is to seduce him. I guess there's some strategy behind that, but I'm not too confident that this plan is going to work.

I mean I love her to death, but I doubt she really knows how to get a guy. She literally punched her boyfriend and gave him a black eye and somehow he fell in love with her?

I'm still not convinced he wasn't on crack when he asked her out.

Sighing, I try to shove my short skirt down to cover more of my thighs, but Vanessa swats my hand away. She narrows her eyes and sends me a pointed look.

"Stop messing up all my hard work."

I roll my eyes. "What hard work? I'm practically going to this thing naked."

She huffs. "You're literally showing your belly button and your legs, dude. You look hot as fuck. Stop being dramatic."

I purse my lips, looking at myself in the mirror. Maybe I am being dramatic. It's not like I'm uncomfortable in this cami top and skirt. I'm giving Vanessa a hard time because I'm starting to think maybe this is a bad idea.

I let out a heavy sigh. "Maybe I shouldn't go tonight."

Vanessa gapes at me. "What the fuck? Are you serious right now, Rosie? I did not suffer through three fucking hours of you complaining just for you to not go through with this."

"I'm just going to make a fool of myself."

She stands with her hands on her hips, sending me an intense look. "No, you're not. You're going to go to that bonfire and you're going to seduce the hell out of that boy because you are incredible and beautiful and if it doesn't work—which it will—just enjoy yourself. You deserve to have fun for once."

The corners of my mouth lift. "Thanks, Van."

She shoves my shoulder. "Whatever. Now come on. Noah's going to be here any minute."

I furrow my eyebrows. "I thought we were going with Rey?"

She shrugs. "I asked Noah to come here so we could all go together."

"Van, you do know that Rey hates your boyfriend right?" I deadpan.

"Well, this can be a time for them to bond!"

I scoff. "Yeah, right. Rey is never going to bond with Noah, and you know it."

She pouts. "I don't understand his problem. Noah is always so sweet to him. He offered him tickets to go see the Bruins' game back in January! That's literally his favorite hockey team!"

"You know Rey. He's the most stubborn person on Earth."

"I hate that he's like this. I really like Noah. It sucks that Rey can't get on board with that."

I sigh. What I won't tell her is that the reason he hates Noah—despite the fact that Noah is the sweetest guy I've ever met—is because he's jealous of him. He just doesn't realize that. He insists that there's something wrong with the guy and that he's going to hurt Vanessa, but in reality, he just wishes it was him in his place.

But because he's a dumbass who doesn't know anything and my best friend is oblivious as fuck, I'm forced to keep my mouth shut no matter how much I want to yell at them both. Vanessa is happy with Noah, so Rey needs to get a handle on his emotions before they get the better of him and things turn messy.

"Maybe someday he will," I try to console Van.

She lets out a deep breath before shaking her head and gesturing behind her.

𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now