eighteen. step two

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I roll my eyes at Van. "If he liked me, why didn't he tell me after we kissed? Why did he say he liked another girl?"

She shrugs, flipping the page to the book she's reading as she lays on my bed.

"Maybe he was scared."

I frown. "Of what?"

"You guys have supposedly 'hated' each other for a long time. Maybe it's taking a while for him to get used to the fact that he has feelings for you and not Belly."

I consider the statement. I can't deny that I'm inclined to believe her, not because I desperately want him to like me back, but because of how he's been acting these days.

He looks at me sometimes in a way that I can't write off as simple fondness. It's more than that. There's tenderness in his gaze, an emotion that has absolutely nothing to do with friendship and everything to do with something more. I may be biased, but I'm not delusional and I'm certainly not stupid.

There's something there. I know it. Now I just have to force those feelings to the surface.

As if reading my thoughts, Van shuts her book and sits up on my bed. "You know what you have to do, right?"

I knit my brows together. "What?"

"You have to make him jealous."

I scoff. "Are you serious?"

"Of course. This is step two in your Mastermind plan. Men are simple creatures. They want what they can't have. Make him jealous and he's yours. Easy."

I guess she may have a point there.

"But how am I supposed to do that? Have you forgotten that guys tend to stay away from me?"

Van rolls her eyes. "They stay away because you make them stay away. Have you seen yourself? You're a hot fucking bitch. Own that shit."

A reluctant smile touches my face. I open my mouth to retort, but my dear best friend doesn't give me the chance.

"There's a party tonight. That kid, Liam or whatever, is hosting it. I know for a fact that your man will be there."

I purse my lips. "So, what? I should get all dressed up and go and flirt with another guy in front of him all while ignoring him? Is that what you're saying?"

She smirks. "No. That's what you're saying. So, why don't you?"

Why don't I?

What's the harm in going out, having a good time, and flirting with a few guys?

I send Van my own little smirk.

"I think we have a party to go to."

I DON'T USUALLY try to flaunt my figure, but tonight is as good a night as any to do just that. I've never been humble enough to believe that people might find me unattractive, and I'm not about to start now.

Tonight, I'm really feeling myself. I'm wearing this cute corset top I got ages ago but have never worn, paired with a black skirt that is perhaps a little less modest than I believed it to be when I found it in my closet. My makeup is light, though my lips are painted a dark red.

When Van, Rey, and I pull up to the huge mansion where the party is being held, I immediately spot a bunch of teenagers roaming around outside. We head up to the entrance, not bothering to knock, and let ourselves in. Strobe lights appear in my line of vision, the house otherwise dark.

𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now